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A Little Bit of Spring

A Little Bit of Spring...

January 27, 2002

Today was such a beautiful day. I cannot believe the weather we've been having. You would never guess that it was January in Chicago. Today, we walked around in sweatshirts and jeans, without feeling a bit cold.. today, we had our windows open in the car as we drove and in the house to air things out.. today we enjoyed the beautiful day.

We slept in a little bit, but then got up and got ready to go to Stephen's mom's for a few hours. We picked up Amy on the way... and when we got there, Stephen left right away to take them to Church, and then came back and we all went up to the Park. Stephen's basketball game was at 11:45, but we got up there about 11:15 or so, so we played in the park with the kids for a bit. Then Stephen's brother got there, with Kevin, Karolyn and Kimberly. Kimmy and Karolyn ran to play with the girls, but lil' Kev wanted to go over to Gerald's house to play with Jacob and Eric. So we walked back to Liz's (my MIL) to get my car, and I drove him over there. I got back a few minutes before the game started, so I was glad not to miss anything. Chrissy and I video-taped the game for Stephen (I think that he has watched it already 12 times tonight, LOL..even though they lost again). I also took a bunch of pictures.

When the game was over, they stayed to play another game with the team they played today. They had the late game, so there was no games after them, so they figured why not. They did much better in this game.. now why can't they do that in the real games. When they were finishing up, Jen called and said that she was coming to visit and wasn't far. I directed her in.. and she got there about the same time we were headed back to Liz's house. We hung out there for a while, and I fed the kids.. which Stephen and Kevin made their customary stop at the bar (The owner sponsors their team, and has lunch and stuff for them during the football games on Sunday). We had a really nice visit, and I am glad that Jen didn't mind hanging out there.

We came back to my house a little later and hung out here for a bit before Jen had to head home. Chrissy had been asking all weekend to give Shadow a bath, so I finally relented and said, it's your skin... you want it scratched up, go for it. I ended up feeling sorry for Shadow and helped Chrissy, June, Nicole and I gave her a much needed, but much not wanted bath. That was fun, if you can call that fun.. NOT. Shadow certainly hated every minute of it... but she has finally forgiven me and is laying her all nice and clean and soft.. yay.

We talked about going out to dinner tonight, but Chrissy has really been asking me to make her Salmon, so I decided to go get the stuff for that. It was yummy!! I was thinking afterwards that I should have let June pick dinner since her birthday IS tomorrow... but she is having a sleep over here on the 9th, so she can pick everything for that. Besides, we are going to Sherry's for dinner tomorrow night anyway, and she gets to pick that :).

I drove them home around 6ish, and hung out with Sherry for an hour or so. I wasn't going to since we are going tomorrow too, but once I got there, it just felt good to sit and talk with her a bit. The ride home was peacful. I loved being able to drive everywhere with my windows down today... this little bit of spring was very nice.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I wore my Tennessee sweatshirt today. I so love it, it's so soft and cuddly. Well, my BIL doesn't love it so much and told me quite a few times to get rid of it giggle.. At one point, he told someone to tell me that he would start talking to me again after I changed. Funny, he never minded my Tennessee stuff before my team kicked his team's butt.
  2. I spent 2 days working on one scrapbook page this weekend... the first page for my book from the trips that Jen, Tonya, Cory and I have been taking... Guess what? I ended up hating it and ripped it up, LMAO... so much for those 2 days of work. I have a much better plan to redo it... I can see it in my head.. now let's get it on paper, giggle.
  3. I feel so guilty for not working out at all this weekend, even though that was my original plan.. go figure. I ate more than I should have too, but nothing at night, woo hoo.
  4. My foot is still killing me. I hope it heals soon, but that is still not going to keep me from working out tomorrow. I hope not anyway. I really want to get started on week two.
  5. We started a new list for this better us stuff. I hope it turns out like I think it will.

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