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Tired Tonight
01-27-2003, 7:11 p.m.

I don't think I ever stopped yesterday, from the time I got up until the time I went to bed, I was on the go. Cleaning, Shopping, Cooking, and then you know how it is when you have company, there is no sitting down relaxing then. Then we were up late, cleaning up and stuff. I had to be up early this morning, because I had to be to work before 7 for an exam, eek. I am so tired tonight.

Well, I really don't have too much to write tonight. Honestly, I have a really bad headache, and I've been a little moody most of the day anyway, so it's like, why bother, lol. Just been one of those days. I think that a good night of sleep will go a long way towards fixing that though. It was a long, but way fun weekend, but it caught up with me. Honestly, I don't even feel like sitting at the computer. I think that I will go and work on a scrapbook page, just to keep myself awake, because I really think that if I go to bed now, I will wake up in a few hours, and be up half the night. Don't want to go there, hehe.

Okay, I didn't even go to the gym yet, so now I am sitting here trying to decide if I just want to go, or if I just want to do the step tape here. I thought about not working out at all, but I made Cory a deal that if she went so would I. Gosh, I wish I never made that deal... hehe. I can't even lie and say I did, because, I just can't... so I guess I am doing one or the other.. now to decide...


Much later... okay, I decided not to workout at all, but that lasted all of about 15 minutes because I felt really guilty, so I ended up going to the gym after all. I thought that I would walk on the treadmill for half an hour, but I ended up walking for a whole hour. I felt really good afterwards, and it did help my headache a little bit, but now I am even more tired, but only I am wide awake, lol, doesn't that figure.

I tell you, I don't know if it is a good thing, this devotion or not, hehe. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

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