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Nine Years
01-28-2003, 9:28 p.m.

Nine Years...
A Dear X Collaboration

January 28, 2003

Dear June,

For 9 years you have been one of the biggest parts of my life, one of the biggest pieces of my heart. I cannot believe that it was 9 years ago today that I got to witness the miracle of your birth. Where has the time gone?

I still remember the moment you were born with such clarity that I can close my eyes and feel the rush of emotions all over again. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I was filled with more love than I thought possible at that moment, and that has only grown over the years.

I remember holding you when you were so tiny that you could fit in my hands. You were such a tiny thing back then. And you were so mine from that first day. It was me you wanted when you were sad, me you cried for when you were hurt. I remember when you were 2 months old, and developed viral meningitis. We had to put you in the hospital, and it was horrible. They couldn't get an IV in you, and after several tries, they ended up having to put it thru your skull.. the only time you wouldn't scream was when I was holding you. Oh how it hurt me to watch them do this to you. I was so scared, and then so happy when they said you would be okay.

I remember our excitement when you said your first word, and how funny we thought it was that your first word was Da-da, especially when it became clear that it was what you were calling me. Oh how I grew to love hearing you call me that. All the way until you were 3 years old, and even occasionally after that when you were hurt or scared. It still brings tears to my eyes to remember how I felt the day you and your mommy and sister moved out of our house. My heart broke a little bit that day, I so didn't want to lose the bond that I had with you. I should have known that nothing could change that. You used to scream when it was time to leave when you would visit us on the weekends, and you would drive everyone nuts asking for me all week long. I am so glad that we've stayed so close over the years, so glad that the bond that was formed 9 years ago today has never been broken.

June, I have so many wonderful memories from the past 9 years, and I know that I will have many more from the years to come. I am so very proud of you. You are growing up to be such a beautiful girl, so kind and thoughtful, funny and sweet. You make me smile everytime you say my name. I love you with all of my heart, and I always will. Happy Birthday my little bugs, you will forever be the child of my heart. No, I am not your mother, but I have never loved you any less than I would have if I was. I have been so very lucky to have you in my life, in the way that I have. I owe so much to your mom, for sharing you in the way she has. We are both so lucky to have what we have, and I promise to always be here for you.

9 years... 9 wonderful years. I hope your next 9 are just as wonderful. Happy Birthday!

Love, Aunt Vicki (formerly known as Da-Da)

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