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At Jen's
01-29-2004, 9:10 p.m.

Stephen had a cute idea last night. He suggested that I pack a bag and come to Jen's after work today and spend the night with them so that I could see Tonya off to her first day of work. I did just that, and I am glad that I did. I called them this morning to ask what was for dinner, and let them know that I was coming for dinner, but I didn't tell them that I was spending the night, that was a surprise. We had a wonderful dinner of yummy chicken soup and garlic bread, and I stopped and got an ice cream cake for dessert which was oh so yummy. Then we just spend the evening sitting around, watching TV and stitching. The very best kind of friend time.. the kind where you can sit there and not say nothing at all and feel so totally comfortable. There are no strange awkward silences, just total comfort and friendship. I love it. I am so glad that I came. I needed this, totally.

I told my boss that I wouldn't be in until late tomorrow so that I could take Tonya to work. I am so excited to be able to do that, and while I know she is so excited, I also know how nervous she is too, so maybe it will help to lend her some support with both Jen and I there for her. I hope so at least, and if nothing else, I know that I will enjoy it.

I am thinking that I am going to come back here tomorrow after work too, since I was planning on coming out Saturday morning anyway.. for Friendship Saturday. Stephen has to work from 6am until 7pm tomorrow, so by the time he gets home he is going to want to zone out anyway, so I might as well...and again it was his idea, hehe. That will make getting ready for the superbowl party a little more strenuous but Tonya is coming back home with me Saturday so with the two of us, I know it will be no problem. Besides, it is fun and I am glad for the opportunity. Saturday, Cory and Andy are going to come over too, which makes that such a great day to look forward to. Well they are if Andy is feeling better. They had him at the doctor today. I am glad that it's nothing serious. Poor little guy.. and poor Cory, I know how hard this all is for her still. I hope she knows that I am here for her no matter what.

Okay, well Jen and Tonya are waiting for me, hehe.. I like that.

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