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Not Feeling Any Better

Not Feeling Any Better...

January 30, 2001

In fact, I think that I am feeling worse, if that is possible. I went home from work last night (we didn't get home until 6:30 or so), and had half a cup of soup, and then fell into bed. I did manage to stay awake and watch 7th Heaven, but I was asleep not much later than 8:00. I didn't even get up to take Nyquil as I wanted to do, I just passed out. I slept all the way thru until this morning too. You would think all that sleep would make me feel better, but noooo, today I feel as bad as I did yesterday, only now I feel dizzy too, like I could pass out at any moment. I would have stayed home from work, but we had an exam and I had to be here for it. Luckily though, my boss has taken pity on my poor soul, and told me that I should go home shortly after I grade the exam. Thank goodness. Stephen said he would take me home, and he said that he might even be able to stay home with me, since they don't have lab today. I sure hope so, it would be nice, even though all I plan on doing is sleeping. I can't believe that I am still tired after sleeping so much last night, but I am soooo tired. This cold is kicking my butt.

Poor Chrissy, I had this, and Chuckie did too, so they were double wammied, and Chrissy came down sick last night. I hope she doesn't get it this bad. I really hope that Bugs doesn't get it... she is horrible at being sick. And Sherry too. I mostly hope Stephen doesn't get it since he is the one I would have to deal with on a daily basis and he is a bigger baby about being sick than I am.

Okay, 15 minutes until I can grade the exam and then I am going home. Everyone is being so nice... telling me that they can try to grade it. I don't mind doing it myself, in fact I rather... but it's good to know that they care.

A whole post on being sick. I guess you could have done without this one...

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