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Welcome Winter

Welcome Winter...

January 30, 2002

Well winter has made it's appearance. When I woke up this morning, and looked out the window, guess what I saw? Snow!! My first thought.. how pretty... my second, ugh our ride is going to suck. Living so far from work usually doesn't bother me much. The commute is really not that bad, and I don't mind it... but on stormy icky days, it really sucks. Actually though, it was only bad for about half the ride... we didn't get quite as much snow at work yet. It snowed pretty much non stop the whole day, but it wasn't really sticking that much.. but then by the time it was time to go home, it was sticking and very wet. The ride home wasn't as bad as it could be, considering.. but I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a whole different story. We have gotten a couple of inches since we got home from work, and it is just coming down consistently, and doesn't look like it has any plans of stopping all night. Yay! LOL. Hopefully, they will have pretty much every plowed by tomorrow morning... hope hope hope... see I told you I picked hope.

This has been a wacky sorta day. So many ranges of emotions.. and so many alternate plans. Let's see... Jen said that she couldn't go with us to Florida after all, because of the timing, and the fact that Don didn't want her driving the van there. So we came up with the plan that we would take my car, and we would pick up Tonya on the way, and since Cory doesn't have that much vacation time to use for this purpose, she would just meet us there. Well now Don said that Jen can take the van, yay, so that will make it a lot more nice for the kids at least. I wouldn't have minded taking my car at all.. but they will have the TV/VCR in the van and stuff.. so that will make the ride nicer for them.

I am not sure I should write about this part, but it's on my mind.. so I think that I want to.. Jen told me that Don said that he feels that we take advantage of her, making her drive everywhere. Okay, I have to admit, this was a pretty hurtful thing to hear. To begin with, we always offer to drive... but Jen really likes to, so she always wants to do it herself, and yah, we let her.. but I didn't realize that was a bad thing. I do not know what it is that he is seeing, and I hope that she is telling him that we don't. It really bothers me a lot that he sees it that way. I mean, I am not upset with anyone per se... I just really don't like it when people have inaccurate opinions of me. Jen said not to take it personally, but how do you not take something like that personally?

The bottom line is, however, that Jen is going on the vacation with us now, and for that I am VERY happy. It wouldn't have been the same without her... and I really wanted her to go. I hope that she is going cause she wants to, and not just to make us happy. I shouldn't even worry about this, and let it all fall into place. I know that we are going to have a wonderful time. I hope Jen knows how badly we want her there. I hope that she gets as excited about it as we are... I know she will.. it will be great. It's going to be so much fun to do it as a Road Trip too, and to pick up Tonya on the way and see her girls, and to see Tennessee with her. I wish Cory could do that with us.. but I am just so glad that we will be all together in Florida. That is what counts. Please don't change your mind Jen, hehe... it's going to be a blast.

We set up the dates for our trip today too, and I worked it out with Laura. I am soooo excited. What a perfect day to get it all planned too... all this snow and stuff.. I can close my eyes and imagine that we will be at the Beach in just 5 months.. not even.. less than 5 months, hehe. Now to start saving money for the trip... hehe.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I sooooooo hope that Jen is glad that she decided to go with us. I really want her to enjoy this too. I know that the Beach isn't her thing.. but being together is, right?

  2. I did a good workout today. 30 minutes on the treadmill.. and 3 minutes of it jogging. Well, 1.5 minutes in the middle and 1.5 at the end... so not 3 minutes all at once.. but hey it's something. I wasn't even dying at the end... yah, I was totally tired and sweaty.. but I could have done a little more. It's like you want to push yourself, just one more minute..

  3. I got a cool page done in my Vacation with the Girls scrapbook tonight. I did the first page from the Virginia trip last year. It looks awesome. I had so much fun looking thru our pictures last night and seperating them. Man did we have such a great time on that trip. It was perfect.

  4. I talked to Cory tonight, and we were laughing because I was asking Jim about my arms hurting when he answered the phone earlier... seems like they thought it strange that I asked him about it.. I guess sometimes I just try to have conversations with Jim cause I want him to like me. Is that bad?

  5. Cory told Jim that I am so excited and keep trying to do more. I wonder if she meant that as a bad thing. I know she doesn't want me to hurt myself.... but I don't feel that I am even close to over-doing it. Heck she is doing more than me in a lot of things. I just talk about it more.

  6. That makes me to ask again.. Am I talking about it all too much? Maybe this is meant to be a personal thing.. sheesh I don't know anymore.

  7. Thank you Leslie for what you wrote in my guestbook. It really meant a lot to hear it.

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