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Snow Day

Snow Day...

January 31, 2002

Winter is officially here. I cannot believe that it waited until the end of January, but maybe that makes up for the really early one we had last year. I am not complaining at all. Let's see... last night, Stephen and I were bickering a bit, and I was mad, so I went outside to shovel some... he came out and helped... but it was still snowing pretty heavy, so by the time you were done with one half of the drive-way the other half was covered again. Still, it was nice to get some of it done.

This morning, there was tons of snow. Well, it could have been way worse.. but it was bad enough. The snow was very wet on the bottom and thus very heavy, so it took a long time to shovel. Even with our neighbor doing half with his snowblower, it took us over an hour just to shovel out enough to get the cars out. By that time, they were saying on the news that if you COULD stay home, you should. Stephen really wanted to stay home and hang out together, but I kinda wanted to go to work. I knew that I had a lot of work to do for Jake and Mike, and that they counting on me (they have a deadline on their application's for promotion and tenure)... so I called, Jake wasn't in yet, but Mike said not to come in on his account, that the ride for him was pretty bad and that he wouldn't be there if he didn't have to lecture that day. He suggested calling Jake so I called him at home to see what he was doing. He was planning on staying home too, so he told me to stay. Walt left for Sea Island, GA today for a Chair's meeting, so what the heck... I did stay home.

Stephen was so happy when I told him that I would, so that made me glad that I decided to, even though I was sad that I wouldn't get to work out. I did sorta, in a sorta kinda way though. If you can count jogging around the house for 10 minutes, hehe. And doing the 8 minute buns tape. Hey, it was better than nothing. I am probably going to meet Cory to swim on Saturday, so that will make up for it anyway.

I spent some time online with the girls and we planned our trip to Florida some more. Our friend Karen might even come meet us, yay. We are going to have fun ;). It all seems to be falling into place now.

It's been a really nice day, and Stephen and I even had some afternoon fun (grin). Boy, I was really glad we had a snow day!

Daily Tidbits

  1. Today is my nephew Kevin's 12th Birrhday. I cannot believe that he is actually 12. Boy, I can still close my eyes and remember him as 2, singing my song to me. I called him to tell him I love him... he said, oh, but I love you more. He is just the sweetie. I hope he and I are always close. Happy Birthday Kevin!
  2. I went thru this basket of lotions and body stuff that we had gotten for free when our bathtub exploded on our anniversary trip a year and a half ago, hehe... took me a while. Mmmmm, I found some good stuff... so I have been pampering myself today...
  3. I had a bubble bath, used the body butter, and even soaked my feet and put lotion on them. I even enticed Stephen into a foot soak, giggle.. he loved it. Even though he would never admit it.
  4. I got another page in my scrapbook done today. The page from the airport on our way to Virginia...awwww, this book is looking so adorable. I love it.
  5. I had a wonderfully relaxing day today. I am so glad Stephen talked me into this. Well, not like he had to talk all that hard... sometimes a mental day like this is so awesome.
  6. I hope that Jen, Don and the kids enjoyed their first taste of an Illinois Winter... hehe.. it wasn't even a bad taste, breaking them in gently this year.

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