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Dreams of Vegas
01-30-2003, 8:02 p.m.

I got up this morning to go workout. I so can't figure out if I like working out better in the morning or at night. They definitely both have their ups and downs. But I have read a lot of studies that say that women who workout in the morning do better, and stick with it more. It certainly helps when I go to bed at a decent time at night though. I fell asleep last night about 9:30 and it was so easy to get up this morning. I am going to try to get to bed right after ER tonight.

So Saturday is Feb 1, and that is when I am really throwing myself back into my better me plan. I am so determined to have a good month. I can do it, I can do it, I will do it. I really want to make some goals that I will stick with. I mean it when I say that I will weight under 179 by March 1st. I figure if I tell everyone that, then I will really stick with it because I won't want to admit that I failed.. and since I won't lie about it, I guess that means I have to be good.

So Vegas is a go!! I am so excited about that. My mom and dad both said that they are really excited too, and Mike told Tonya that she can come! I was so shocked when she called and told me because I didn't think she would be able to, but I am so happy. I can't believe it, lol. Stephen isn't able to go because of work, but I know that I will have a great time, even though I will miss him. He is glad I am going, and he thinks that I should and he is really glad that Tonya will be there, it's going to be awesome. I had hoped that Cory and Jen would cave and decide to go, but they can't, and I am going to be good and not keep pushing it, like I normally do. Maybe someday this is a trip that we can all do together. I so love Vegas!! Now to start planning.. tonight Stephen told my MIL that I was going and she said that she might have a couple free nights at harrahs for me to use, yay!! I hope so, that would be so cool. That would be more money to go to shows and stuff, hehe. Four months away... man, I am going to work hard to look my best for it... what an incentive.

Dinner tonight was at Gerald and Michelle's because Liz was babysitting, but Gerald was still there. We took dinner over for everyone, and sat and visited. We had a nice time, talking about Vegas and stuff.. they are going in March, and then again in October. We are going with them in October. I think that is why Stephen is okay about not going in May, he knows that he gets to go in October. I know he is busy at work in May, but I really thought that Vegas would be enough of a temptation for him to find a way to get a few days off.. okay, I admit it, sometimes I just don't know when to give up.. but I am learning.

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