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Vegas For Sure
01-31-2003, 8:34 p.m.

Well, it's official!! I am going to Vegas in May. My parents and I booked our trip today. We got a great deal too. We are going to be flying there on the 23rd of May and coming back on the 27th. After much discussion of where we were going to stay (there were so many places we wanted to stay), my mom suprised me and booked it, and picked one of the places I really wanted to stay. She was cute, cause she wouldn't tell me where, she said I had to wait for this email to come (she emailed me the itenerary).. it took forever to come, and I was going nuts with anticipation, but when I finally saw it, I was thrilled. We are staying at New-York New-York, which is absolutely cool, and I am totally excited.

So we have our air, and hotel, and now all I have left to do is wait for Tonya to get her airfare. I hope that she can get something close to the times when we get in and leave. I mean, not that it matters too much, we are going to make the most of however we can work it out. I am really just so very excited about the whole trip, but yet I am sad about it too. This will be my first time going there without Stephen and I am going to miss him so much. It is going to be so strange. The other thing that makes me sad is that neither Cory or Jen can go. This is something we all talked about doing together, and so it's sad to think of doing it without them.

My mom is so excited too though, and it's so great to be going with her and my dad. I know that we are going to have a wonderful time, and we are already planning what kind of things we want to do. She and my dad haven't been there in like 12 years, so it has really changed A LOT since their last visit, and Tonya has never been there, so I am excited to show them all my favorite things hehe. We are talking about what shows we want to do too...we are going to pick one big show to do. I really want to do Siegfried and Roy, but my mom wants to do O. They both look totally awesome. I don't know what we are going to do yet, but whatever it is, I am sure it will be wonderful.

Well, I am getting up early to go swimming with Cory tomorrow, which is going to be fun. Tomorrow is Feb 1st, and my date for getting back on track.. I have a little under 4 months until Vegas, and I want to lose at least 15 pounds before then, preferably 20.. so I really need to work hard. It's great incentive though, so everytime I am feeling like I can't do it, I am just going to think.. Vegas... pools... swimming suits... lol. I can do it, I know I can. Tomorrow is day 1, wish me luck. If I start to get down, remind me that I can do it, won't you?

Speaking of doing it, I walked 50 miles this month.. I am 10% of the way to my goal, woo hoo!!!!

Today is my nephew (and superhero) Kevin's 13th birthday. I can't believe he is 13, where does the time go.. I really still think of him as 2 sometimes. Happy Birthday Kevin. I love you and am very proud to be your aunt.

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