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A Quiet Day

A Quiet Day...

June 29, 2002

I had a lousy time sleeping for part of the night, last night. My sunburns were killing me.. the new burn was stinging and burning, and the old burn is peeling and itching, and it really made for a long night of waking up. Luckily, Tonny sent home some awesome aloe stuff with us, and I kept that near my bed and re-applied often, lol. I woke up early this morning and just started to get out of bed, but Stephen groaned and grabbed me and asked me to please stay in bed with him, so I did, and we cuddled and I fell back to sleep. We both slept in alot later that I normally do, but it felt wonderful. Shadow Kitty was actually very nice this morning, and didn't bother me to get up to feed her, so I at least got some good sleep this morning. My SIL Michelle called about 10, and asked if there was anyway I could come over and watch James for her. Gerald had taken Timmy to his game, and Amy had a game too, and it was Michelle's turn to work the concession stand. My MIL usually watches him when they have all the game stuff to do, but she had a shower to go to today. I didn't mind, and just took a shower and headed over there and met them at the park. Jimmy and I walked to Stephen's mom's and hung out with her until she had to go to the shower.. then I took him over to Parisi's for a hotdog and fries. We sat on the porch for a while, and then watered grams flowers for her. I asked him if he wanted to go back to the park, but he wanted to stay at grams and pops house. Stephen's dad was still there, so we hung out with him a while, and then played in their basement and watched cartoons. The time went quickly, and then we headed back to the park to meet Michelle and Amy. Michelle kept thanking me, like she had put me out, but the truth is, I had a lot of fun this morning, and I am so glad that she called and asked me.

When I got home, Stephen and I sat around and watched the Sox/Cubs game. The Sox won again, 5-4, yippeee... Hoping for a sweep tomorrow! I love watching sports with Stephen, and we really had fun with that. I got sleepy after the game though.. I have been taking Benadryl for the itching from my sunburn, and it makes me so sleepy, so I fell asleep for an hour while Stephen mowed the lawn. Then we made dinner together, and just hung out. I decided to go for a walk, which was really nice, and then when I got home, we started watching Trading Spaces.. It's been on all night, so that's what we've been doing for a few hours now, hehe.

We were supposed to go to a shower tonight for a couple from work. It was a couples shower, but neither Stephen and I wanted to go. He sorta did, I think, but we didn't and I do feel a little guilty about it now. But I have been enjoying my time with him too, and it was pretty far away and we just didn't want to go. I did buy a gift, so we will give it to her on Monday. I guess that we should have gone, but there is no sense dwelling on that now, so I won't. It's been a pretty quiet day though, and I've enjoyed that very much. I can't believe my vacation is almost over, hehe. That is always such a bummer.

Daily Tidbits

  1. When I weighed in this morning, I am only 3 pounds above where I was before we left for I guess it's not so bad. I have snacked some today though, eek. Oh well, I think that once I get back to work, it will be easier to catch up, and it will be good to be back in the gym, although I will miss my outside walks.. maybe I will just have to do both.
  2. I am going out to my mom's tomorrow to visit for a while. She had Brian tonight, and I am picking him up tomorrow. My brother had asked me to babysit all weekend, but I said no to tonight since we were supposed to go to the shower, oops. So my mom took him tonight, and I will bring him home tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing her, and giving her the stuff I got her in Florida. I got her the cutest sea-horse windchime, and a cute ornament from Pidgeon Forge. I got my MIL one too, but I forgot to take it over today. I will have to remember to take it on Thursday.
  3. Stephen and I are getting so many ideas from Trading Spaces. He so cannot wait to get started on moving our bedroom, but we are trying to decide how we want to paint it and stuff. I so want to do something cool and different. This could be fun, especially since we both seem to want to do similar things.

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