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Avoiding the Post Office

Avoiding the Post Office...

February 1, 2001

I have had packages to mail for over a month now... and I look at them each day and say, man I really need to get to the post office... but do I go? Nooooo, and why not? Got me. It's like I have this mental block I tell you. I even find myself putting the packages into the car and heading there, but somehow get side tracked and don't make it, or it looks way crowded and I just am not going there. I can stand in a crowded store and wait in line, but ask me to wait in line at the post office and I jsut get so stressed. Same with buying stamps. I usually just buy them from the grocery store, or forget it, my mail is waiting. Most times now, I pay my bills online, or call in the ones that you can pay over the phone. And going to the mailbox to drop in a letter or something... yah right... Sttteeeeppphhheeennnnnn. See now THAT he will do for me. He doesn't mind running to the mailbox, but ask him to go to the post office... forget it, he must have the same mental block that I have.

Luckily though, we overcame that today. About time too. Do you believe that I finally just mailed Jen her Christmas present? Yes, her Christmas present (sheepish look)... now that it is February. I am actually very embarassed to admit to that, so please don't make fun of me too much. Stephen (who I dragged to the post office with me) laughed at me as we left the post office because I mailed it priority mail.. his remark was "It's February and now all of a sudden it is a priority!". Go Figure. Heck, at least her kids got their presents earlier... only because I bought them online, and had them shipped right to them, That I am good with. Maybe I need to do all my shopping online. Maybe I should have done that with Kristen's birthday gift, which I also mailed today (watch your mailboxes girls), but sometimes you just want something more personal. Personal I can do, on time, forget it. Although Kristen's gift is only a week late, so I must be getting better, and in my defense I had every intention of going last week, but I have just been so sick. I really did... of course I also had the best intentions on mailing Jen's gifts.


Today is our niece Karolyn's 9th Birthday. Happy Birthday Princess. I can't believe how quickly these kids are growing. It seems like just yesterday that she was born. Here is a cute story... her brother Kevin's birthday was yesterday, and her mom actually went into labor on the 31st with her as well, but Tracy was adament about not having her kids born on the same day. She said that she didn't want them to have to share a birthday and she was able to hold out until after midnight to have Karolyn. So, they have their own birthdays (one day apart), but yet, every year they have one party for the two of them together, Go Figure.

We did get to celebrate their birthdays with them over the weekend, and had a great time doing so. I love giving the kids their gifts too, they really are good kids and appreciate everything that you give them. We bought Karolyn the cutest outfit from the Gap (these kids have to have the best now a days), and she really loved it. She is at that age where having nice clothes is important to her, and she really is into wild crazy clothes. These jeans that we got have pom poms all the way around the bottom of the legs, and flowers embrodered on them. I couldn't believe how nuts not only she went over them, but all my other neices as well, guess I better go stock up for their birthdays, LOL. We had also gotten Kevin an outfit from Old Navy, and he liked it alot too... I don't remember liking clothes this much when I was a kid. Maybe I did, but I sure don't remember it. I think that when I was 9, I still wanted Barbie Dolls and all that stuff.


So Sherry stopped by to see me at work today, only I was not here, I was at the post office remember. See... that post office ruins everything, giggle. She wanted to tell me all about her interview. It went well. She had to go thru a bunch of testing today, and she passed it all... so now she goes back for more interviews next week. My mom said that it's a good sign that they set up interviews again so quickly. My mom also works for allstate, and so she gets the scoop on it all. Sherry is so excited and I am so happy for her. I so hope she gets this job, it would be such a boost to her confidence in herself. I have been pretty proud of her lately. She quit smoking 8 weeks ago, and is doing so well, and she really is trying hard to get this awesome job. Way to go Sherry...

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