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To Spring or Not

To Spring or Not...

February 2, 2001

Happy Groundhog Day! Groundhog Day, a Canadian and American tradition, the day that the groundhog, or woodchuck, comes out of his hole after winter hibernation to look for his shadow; foretells six more weeks of bad weather if he sees it; spring is coming if he cannot see his shadow because of clouds; supposedly goes back into his hole if more bad weather is coming and stays above ground if spring is near; statistical evidence does not support this tradition. I certainly hope that the groundhog is wrong this year, because he did see his shadow, and I for one am not looking forward to another 6 weeks of Winter. Especially given the fact that it is sooooo cold today. A reminder of how icky winter can really be.


I am soooo glad that it is Friday. Man, this week has gone by so slow. I don't know if it was because I was sick most of the week, or because I have been so busy, but I just can't wait to leave work today, and not have to come back until Monday. Stephen had asked me if I wanted to go on a date tonight too. He wanted to take me out to dinner, and all week I was pretty excited about it, but I still am feeling pretty tired after work (since being sick), so earlier today I asked him for a rain check. I think that we can just rent a movie and hang out at home, and I will probably be a lot happier. Tomorrow morning, I am going to head out to my mom's to visit, and then I plan on spending the afternoon with Cory at her house. She has her appointment in the morning for an ultrasound to check for PCOS, and I know that she is a bit worried about it, even if she doesn't like to talk about it. I figure that maybe I can get her mind off of things and let her enjoy the weekend. We are going to work on our scrapbooks too, which is awesome. This will be the first time that I work on my scrapbook with someone else. I have always wanted to have a scrapbook pal, but we never seem to have the time to do so, this should be fun.

On Sunday, while Stephen is at basketball, I am going to start doing some work on the house. I have been planning to paint the living room, dining room, kitchen and hallway for months now, so I figure no better time than now. I am having a Pampered Chef party on February 18th, so I need to have it all done by then. Maybe having a deadline will help me to get my butt in gear. I hope so. So that's my weekend in a nutshell.... Only a little over an hour and I can go home... Hurry... Hurry... Hurry...

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