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Home Alone

Home Alone...

February 01, 2002

I am home alone tonight! Stephen had to go chaperone our nephew, Eric's 5th grade slumber party at his school. A gym full of 5th graders the whole night, oh yah, I am not envious of him tonight, LOL. Michelle called this morning and asked if one of us could do it, since she got called into work and Gerald had to stay home with the other kids. Stephen said he was honored that Eric wanted him to do it (Eric had told Michelle to ask Uncle Stephen first), and so he said of course. I know he was looking forward to spending the time with Eric, but I am not so sure about the sleeping in the gym part. I tried calling him a while ago, and he was whispering, it was reading time. Good thing he took a book, giggle.

Okay, I soooooooooo hate being home alone at night. I am not even joking, I go to sleep with every light on in the house and the TV's, radio's and anything else I can keep on for noise. I am such a goof. I don't know why I hate it so much, but I always have. Maybe someday I will outgrow it, NOT.

Today was a busy day at work.. but I still managed to get my work out in. I went over and walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill. I was so happy with myself. I even did 4 minutes of jogging, and I then did 2 minutes on the jogging machine and some weights... not too much though. Later in the afternoon, I met Pete at the pool and I swam for about 20-25 minutes. Boy that was a whole lot harder than I thought it was going to be... but then so was everything at first. I will build myself up to it and will be doing more before I know it.

I started a new journal today for my workout stuff. I haven't put anything it it yet though, and I am not sure if I am going to keep it or not yet. I just don't know if I want to keep everything in this one... I mean, I do.. but then I feel like all I talk about here is this better me stuff.. but if that is what is big in my life, that is okay, right? The more I think about it, the more I think I should keep it all here. Maybe I will add another section again.. I need to figure out what I want to do... sometimes it just takes a few minutes, hehe. Okay, now I am just writing to write... I am trying to sit here until I get so tired that I will fall right asleep and not be scared of being alone.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Cory and I are meeting at the pool tomorrow at 10 to swim. I am glad that we are, and that we get an extra workout in.
  2. On our Better4life list, I set my February goal at 500 minutes. I did a total of 50 minutes today... if I keep this up, I will far surpass my goal.. what a great feeling that is.
  3. Today is my neice Karolyn's 10th Birthday. Happy Birthday Karolyn. I can't believe how big all these kids are getting. It is amazing.
  4. I wonder if I can get Cory to walk on the treadmill with me for a while tomorrow.. hmmmmm.
  5. I really wish Stephen was home. It's going to be a lonely night sleeping without him. He loves being alone... I am so different in that... but even still.. he tells me that once it is time for bed, he wishes I was here when I am not. I guess you just get used to sleeping with your honey, and it isn't the same without.
  6. I want a bowl of cereal soooooo bad right now. I am so telling myself.. don't do it, don't do it.. don't do it.. there, now that I wrote about it here, I will have to admit tomorrow if I did... so I won't. I like how that worked.

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