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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day...

February 02, 2002

So the groundhog is predicting 6 more weeks of winter is he. I never liked that rodent to begin with, giggle. Okay, but man, another 6 weeks of winter!!! Okay, so it's been a mild winter and here I am complaining, but I am not really complaining, it's just that I really love Spring so much. Okay, enough of that.

I had such a nice day today. First I should say that I did pretty well on my night alone last night. I even managed to sleep with only one light on in the house. Well, I did fall asleep with the TV on, but I woke up about 3:30 and turned it off. Stephen got home shortly after I woke up and we cuddled for a bit before I was off to meet Cory for our Swimming.

We swam for 90 minutes today. Not playful swimming, but really working out swimming. We could barely making it all they way across the pool once (at first) without dying, but by the time we were done, we were going back and forth 6 times before we were dying. What an improvement. We swam and then went out to lunch, and then scrapbooking. It was a very nice day and I enjoyed her company very much. I am looking forward to our new plan to try to do this weekly (the swimming part at least).

Tonight I got to talk to Jen and Tonya online for a bit, which I enjoyed so much and then Stephen and I cuddled in bed watching disney movies. We watched the new Disney one, The lost world of Atlantis, and can I just say that I really wasn't very impressed....not so impressed at all. It was okay, but not one that I would buy or anything.. I dunno, it was just strange, lol. So after it was over, we put on Cinderella, and that was much better, hehe... one that I totally love. I wanted to watch one of my very favorites, Sleeping Beauty but my niece Sarah borrowed it months ago and hasn't returned it yet, hehe. One of these days I am sure.

Daily Tidbits

  1. No, I did not eat that bowl of cereal last night, I was good. I did get up and have it for breakfast though. I am impressed.
  2. I didn't do any cleaning or shopping today, for our party tomorrow, so tomorrow morning is going to be a busy one. Good thing I did most of the cleaning last night.
  3. I really want to try that new clorex mop. Tonya bought one today and she loved it. Hmmmm, me thinks me needs one.
  4. Cory went out to lunch and had soup and salads... good right? Heck no, we had to have dessert too (giggle)... hey we worked hard. Can't never have dessert again can we?
  5. I set my February goal (in our B4L list) as 500 minutes, and here it is 02-02-02 (had to type that somewhere, lol)and I already have 140 minutes in. I am doing pretty dang good if I say so myself. Tomorrow is *free* day, yay.
  6. Cinderella is over, and Stephen just put on A Bugs Life for us to watch. I guess it's a disney night. I am going to cuddle up to him and fall asleep to it. What a nice night.

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