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Week Three

Week Three...

February 04, 2002

I went to the gym today and did my 30 minutes on the treadmill. I am working on getting my distance (thus speed) up in those 30 minutes before I move on time wise. I went 1.76 miles in 30 minutes today. I was at 1.75 on Friday... so it's a little bit of an improvement, though not too much. I did jog some too.. probably only about 3.5 minutes though.. but hey, I am getting there. I tell you, Mondays are probably the hardest day for me. Not to make myself go over, that part is easy.. it's just hard to keep going. I wanted to quit half way through.. and my legs were aching. I am glad that I kept it up though.. really glad. I am planning on swimming some laps this afternoon, at least for another 30 minutes or so. I really am liking doing both things, and it breaks it up a bit too. My goal right now is to do the following... On M-F, I am going to walk 30-40 minutes on the treadmill. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I am going to add some weight trainging and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday some swimming in the afternoon. Cory and I are going to try to swim on Saturdays or Sundays each weekend... mostly Saturdays.

I know that I kinda left this all hanging yesterday with the stuff between my BIL and SIL, and I really appreciate all the kind letters and notes that I've received. Thank you for caring. I still don't really feel like talking much about it, and I am not even real sure how I feel about it all. I don't know what is going to happen, but my guess is that they will work it out, and go on. It is really between them, and I have no say in it. I hope that whatever happens that it's what is best. Whatever that may be. I probably won't talk much more about it, because like I said yesterday, Stephen so doesn't like that I will respect that for him.

We started making some plans for Tonya's visit here in April. I am so very excited about that. I wonder how much better we will all be feeling about ourselves by then. It seems so far away in ways, but it so isn't. Not when you think about it.. and not when it takes so long to really see results in your body. Still I think that we will still all be doing so well then. We have some fun plans, as always, and I really am looking forward to it. Tonya is going to get her airline tickets sometime this week, so that is going to make it that much more real.. somehow that always makes it that much more real. I need to start thinking about what I want to do with their Easter baskets... I am going to have fun with that. Both Jen and Cory have already gotten all their stuff.. man, Tonya and I need to get on the ball.

Have I mentioned that Chuck is going thru all the preliminary tests for the gastric bypass surgery that he want's to get done. This can take place sometime in the next 2 months. Man, that so scares me.. what a change in life that is going to be for him. I can't even imagine what Chuck will look like thinner... know how it can be hard to picture people a certain way? But if it is what he really wants, it will be good for him. I am happy for him, truly. Me, I am going to stick it out the hard way, hard work and sweat... I can't believe that this is the start of week three, and going strong...

Daily Tidbits

  1. I need to drink some more water today. Somehow over the weekend, I started drinking less.. ugggh, can't go backwards. I am not drinking more of anything else though, I just have not had much of anything to drink.
  2. Rita brought down something that she embossed for me. Oh my, it is sooo beautiful, so now I want to get some stuff for that, so that I can start doing some of that in my scrapbook. So we are going to plan a craft day for sometime soon.
  3. I showed Cory and Tonya my scrapbook pages (Jen saw them when she was over yesterday) and Cory liked one, so I am going to make some stuff for her, probably tonight.. and give it to her when I see her on Saturday. I love doing stuff for her. I am going to start making some stuff for Tonya too, since she is going to start getting into it soon. Now we just have to convince Jen.

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