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TV Night

TV Night...

February 07, 2002

Have I mentioned just how much I love TV on Thursday nights? That is probably my most favorite night to watch TV. Friends was soooo funny tonight, and I cannot believe that they left it the way they did.. Man, and it won't be on for a few weeks now because of the Olympics. Then they had a second episode which was the one from Thanksgiving, which I had missed. OMG, I cannot believe I had missed that one, I cracked up from start to finish. Cory called me at the end, and I was laughing so hard she couldn't even understand me. I litterally had tears streaming down my face. I hope that this isn't the last year.

Charmed was great too. I love that show as well. Now I am watching ER, and writing this during commercials... so if I lose my train of thought, you know why, hehe. Tonya has been watching all the shows with me too, and then we talk during the commercials. I love the nights when Mike has duty and she can do this. It was even more fun when Don was working nights and Jen would join us. It was cool to see Jen do it, especially, because she hates TV.. but she would watch just to spend time with us. What a good friend, giggle.

My boss left today for another short trip out of town. He has another one next Thursday and Friday too. I would totally love that had he not left me a ton of work to do while he was gone.... lol. Ah it should make the day go by faster tomorrow, right.

Man, ER is pretty wow tonight. It's only half way thru too. Wow.

Daily Tidbits

  1. June's birthday party sleep-over in on Saturday night. She is so excited. I am too, for her.. not to have 6 screaming girls in my house all night long though, giggle. Ah, I love it and I know it.
  2. The N'sync Chili's commercial was just on. Chrissy so totally loves that commercial. I had thought about getting her tickets for their upcoming concert here, but it's when Tonya is visiting. Maybe I can get tickets for her and a friend and let Sherry take them... hehe, yah right.
  3. I had a good workout today. Man my legs hurt on the days after I swim though. It feels good to get thru it all though.. real good.
  4. I did some weight stuff today... boy do I feel it tonight. I love that feeling.
  5. My mom said she bought me a present today because she is so proud of me and my working out. I liked hearing her say she was proud of me more than anything, giggle.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 165

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