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Plan A or Plan B

Plan A or Plan B...

February 08, 2002

Guess what we spent today doing? Making our plans for the week that Tonya is here. Gosh, I tell you, I think that we love making our plans almost as much as we love doing them. It is so fun to plan, especially when we have a few days to work with. Let's see, Tonya gets in on Easter Sunday and doesn't leave until the following Saturday, so that gives us a whole bunch of days. The funny part though, is that we are so not sure what is going to happen yet, because Don *might* be back on nights then. He is not slated to start until the 9th, but they started early last time, so who knows. So, at first, we were all kinda bummed, because let's face it, we like having our plans.. and it just made it impossible to plan to do the things that we were planning to do.. and what if this was this way or that way, then what would we do... Soooo, we did the best thing...

We made a Plan A and a Plan B!

Plan A is for if Don is off and can watch the kids while Jen is off with us. Plan B is for if he is working and we have to take the kids with us. Both are awesome plans in their own right, and so whatever happens now, we have a plan that we love and that we will enjoy very much.

We are also celebrating both Tonya's and Cory's birthdays that week. Last year, we celebrated them together at the same time, but this year, I really wanted them to each have their own special day, so I suggested that we celebrate Tonya's birthday on that Wednesday (we are going to the wolves game) ane Cory's on that Friday (Plan A has us going to Lake Geneva that day, Plan B to the Zoo). It's going to be awesome. I do so love birthdays, giggle. I can't wait to do a whole bunch of special things for my friends and to make their birthdays every bit as special as they made mine. We are celebrating Jen's in June (a little early) when we go to Florida, so that is going to be the best too. I just love our plans.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Jen and I were talking last night about the fact that one of the places we thought to stop on the drive to Florida, is Georgia. Hmmm, we have some friends who live there.. hint hint to those friends, giggle.
  2. Karen has decided to drive up and see us in Naples too. Man, these trips are just getting better and better.
  3. I didn't work out earlier like I usually do... because I was way busy with work, and that had to come first (okay, if I wasn't so busy planning I would have gotten the work done more quickly, but give me a break, it was done on time). I decided to go work out before we went home though (I just got back). I didn't feel like using the treadmill... so I got on the jogger.. and went 10 minutes!!!! 10 minutes straight, jogging... OMG, that was sooooo hard. I went 3/4 of a mile in that time too. I was so impressed.
  4. I also did 20 minutes on the bike. I hate the bike though, because it really makes my butt hurt... but I got my 30 minutes in total, and so I am very happy. Okay, so I am supposed to swim today too, according to my plan.. but I just don't feel like it. We are swimming tomorrow, so that makes up for it, right?
  5. I ordered my Wolves tickets for the 23rd today. Yay, a planned game. I cannot wait. They said that they have quite a crowd already for that night (15,000-16,000 tickets sold already). They are giving away Maracle Bobbleheads.. I must get there early!!!!
  6. Stephen and I plan on watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics tonight. I like doing things like that with him. Hmmm, what should I make us for dinner.. hehe. I need to go to the store and get stuff for tomorrow still.
  7. Stephen should be ready to go home any minute now. Yay.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 135

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