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Off to the Races
02-07-2003, 10:29 p.m.

Remind me again, why I am having all these kids spend the night? LOL. Actually, it's not so bad. I have been letting June have sleep overs for her birthday since she turned 3, and she really just loves it. I am happy to do it for her. I am glad she is having so much fun.

Jen brought Nicole, and I was a little disappointed when I heard that she was not going to spend the night after all, but I am glad that they still came. It was nice having Jen here too. Tricia came as well, which I was thrilled about too. It meant a lot to me that they came to keep me company while these kids took over my house, lol. Tricia even brought us some yummy cookies. Mmmmm, I like having her over, she always brings good stuff.. hehe, and they were healthier choice ones too... all the better.

The kids are all off playing now, and having a good time, and are actually being very quiet and playing games together. They are waiting to have races with me. Every year, we do races up and down the hallway and they just love it. So I am about to go move the couches and make some room for the races. It's insane, and crazy, but they love it, and honestly, so do I.

Have a great night. I know I am. It's going to be a long weekend though. I am already tired, and who knows when I will get to bed. Then tomorrow we are going to Nicole's party, and then on Sunday my BIL is having a party for Karolyn and Kevin. It's a birthday party weekend for sure. We didn't know about Sunday until today though, but I already had shopped for, and wrapped their gifts (I planned on giving them to them this weekend anyway), so at least I don't have to find time to do that.

Okay, I am off to the races...

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