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Old Friends and Valentine's
02-08-2004, 9:35 p.m.

We went to Stephen�s basketball game this morning and as we were watching his game, this guy from another team came up and started talking to me. At first he was just asking if we taped all the games, but as we were talking, he stops and looks at me with this shocked look and says� Vicki? It turns out that he is an old friend, from grammar school of all places. It was really neat, and we must have stood there for 10 minutes just talking about other people that we went to grammar school with. After Stephen�s game, he came over and I introduced them. I also went to grammar school with one of Stephen�s cousin�s who was also really good friends with this guy, so that was kinda neat too. Stephen had a really good game and they won again, which was awesome. I am so glad for that.

When we got home, Tonya and I went to the gym for a while. We have been having some great workouts lately which is a good thing. It is so much easier going when you have someone else to go with. I hope that this is the start of good things.

The rest of the afternoon was spent making Valentine�s Day cards with June and Nicole. We just had the best time, and I was sorry to see June have to leave when Chuck got there to pick her up. One really cute thing�. They were making cards for their moms and dads� well somehow, June had also made a card for me, and she snuck and left it by my bed for me to find. She told Stephen to tell me that I could open it right away, and it just made me cry. It said, to my best friend everyday� it was adorable� gosh I just love that girl.

I am so glad that she, and Nicole and Tonya came to spend the weekend. It was a lot of fun, and I am sorry to see the weekend end. Back to work tomorrow, oh yay. It�s going to be a long week too, as I have a FS meeting on Wednesday. I don�t mind though, that usually makes the days go by more quickly.

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