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There Goes The Sun

There goes the Sun...

February 9, 2001

Why is it that whenever it is cloudy and grey outside, that your whole day just seems sorta gloomy? I am not feeling down or anything, it just seems like all I want to do is go home and get under the covers and read a good book. Instead we get to go home and start painting... oh yay! Did I fail to mention just how much both Stephen and I hate painting? Or how we fight whenever we try to do this sorta thing together. Like putting stuff together... forget that... "get me the screwdriver honey" usually means, and get ready for a doozy of an argument. Of course, we do finally get it all done, and we are proud of ourselves and we sit and wonder why we couldn't have done it without a fight, and yet we repeat the process everytime. So our plan for tonight is to start painting. I wonder how much we will get done. We are painting a whole lot. We are doing the whole living room, the whole lonnnggg hallway and the dining room and kitchen ceilings. The ceilings all run together, so you kinda have to keep going once you start any one of those rooms. It can use it though, so might as well. I can tell that Stephen doesn't really want to go home and do it tonight, but he knows that it's the smartest thing to do. He is always like that though, getting him to start something is like pulling teeth, but then once he gets started, he works hard at it. I just hate having to get him started, since he moans and groans about it. I just hope we can get it done working the whole weekend.

Honestly though, I know that we won't be able to get much done on Saturday, since we have to leave by 3:30 or so to get to Medieval Times on time. That is another thing that I am REALLY looking forward to. We are going to have the best time. I can't wait.

Actually, Chuck and I had a little bit of a tiff last night, so for a brief moment, I was so not wanting to go this weekend, but then I realized that I was just being way to sensitive, and I was fine... and then a few minutes later, he called me and apologized. He said that he acted like a heel and that he was really sorry. What happened was that I had called to talk to Sherry, but neither she nor Chuck were home from work yet, and since I hadn't talked to the kids all week, I talked to them for a few. Well, as Chrissy was giving the phone to June, Chuck walked thru the door. I could hear him ask who it was, and Chrissy told him it was me, that I had just called, and he just yelled at June "Tell Aunt Vicki you have to do your homework NOW", so I just said bye and hung up. I was fuming at first, I mean it's not like I had been talking to her for hours, I only talked to her less than a minute, but then like I said I calmed myself down, and realized that yah, June is having problems in school, and she gives them a hard time with getting her homework done, and he is right to make her do it... I guess sometimes I am just way to sensitive. When he called to apologize, I was honest though, and told him that it did hurt my feelings, and he said he knew, and that right after he did it, he realized that it wouldn't have hurt to let her talk for a minute, and that he was wrong. We worked it out and I felt better.. but.....

Why am I being so dang sensitive lately? That is definitely one thing that I hate about myself. I wish that I didn't take things so personally. It really causes a lot of stress in my life at times.


I am getting really excited about my visit to VA to see Jen in April. We are going to have the best time. We are already planning all these things that we can do. I have always wanted to see Virginia, it's such a historical type of place... not that I am big on history or anything but it would just be awesome to see. Stephen is a little bit jealous because he lovesssss anything to do with history, but he knows that he just can't get away because of clases at that time. Jen tells me that it is absolutely beautiful there in April, and I can't wait to see. Especially as gloomy as it has been here lately, something to look forward to is a good thing. We are still really hoping that we can convince Cory to go with us. I know that she wants to, and I understand her concerns. But I am hoping that maybe we can find ways around those to make it a do-able thing. I am being so careful though, I certainly do NOT want to hurt her feelings again like I did the other day. I still feel awful about that. I hope she knows it's just that I know that going with her would make the trip that much more special. It would be awesome to spend this kind of time with her, and with Jen and Tonya all together. We could have a blast. Oh well, there is time still...Maybe we can find a way :)

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