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Jeepers Creepers

Jeepers Creepers...

February 10, 2002

Well I survived the invasion of pre-teens. Not only did I survive it, but I thrived... imagine that, giggle. They all had a great time, and although I have to admit I was happy when it was all over for a few moments of silence and peace.. I do miss them now very much. Let's see, where to I start?

Michelle came over this morning to bring Timmy back (seems he missed us, lol).. and when she got here, James wanted to play too, so I told her I would keep them while she went to church. It was fun, we had races, colored, watched a movie and had a good time. After she got back, Jen got there as well. Michelle didn't stay long, but Jen stayed for a bit. We played some cards and just visited for a bit. It was nice, and peaceful, and I enjoyed the adult conversation, lol.

After Jen and Nicole left, Stephen told the girls to take a shower, and I ran to the grocery store for some laundry detergent and a few other things. I got the girls some valentine's and candy for school, and I got Chrissy an extra special valentine for one special person. She was so thrilled. I am glad I thought to do it. After we looked at their stuff for a while, Chrissy and I went to watch Jeepers Creepers. The kids had all watched it a few times the night before, but she wanted to watch it again (she is such a scary movie freak), but June didn't want to, so she hung out with Stephen instead. OMG, I don't know what it was, but this movie totally freaked me out. I don't know how those kids watched it over and over.. once was more than enough for me. I am still totally freaked by the ending and can't get the images out of my head. I so hope that I don't have nightmares tonight, but I totally would not be surprised if I did. I keep humming that song too, and it just so isn't helping. Uggghhhhh...

Sherry and Chuck didn't get here to get the girls until after 7 tonight, so we got to spend plenty of time with them. Chrissy sat down to watch another movie, and to read her chapters in her book for school, and June and I laid down to watch the power puff girls. It was just a very relaxing night. It is only 9 now, but I am so sleepy. Hopefully I will get to bed early. I am reading this book that Cory gave me to read (Jen and Tonya are going to read it next... it is a book called, Book Club, and it's about friendships.. Cory thought it would be nice for us all to read it, and I agree). So far I am enjoying it very much.

Back to work already... boy where do the weekends go?

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stephen's team won their game today! Yay for them, they were all excited. They don't win too often, hehe.
  2. Whenever I spend time with Michelle, I remember how much I enjoy spending time with her. I wonder why I don't do so more often. Maybe because she has 5 kids and is always so busy...
  3. It felt strange not to work out today.. I am almost looking forward to doing so tomorrow... almost!
  4. I almost feel like going to work on a scrapbook page right now, or at least start on the next swap that Cory and I are doing. But I just can't seem to make myself move...ah, maybe I will just read.
  5. Jeepers, Creepers.. where'd you get those peepers...

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