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The Little Things
02-10-2003, 9:09 p.m.

Tonight we went to a wake. A friend of ours at work, Denise, her mom died a few days ago. While we have never met her mom, we have been friends with Denise for over 12 years. Stephen is actually a lot closer to Denise than I am, they talk all the time, but she is really nice and I like her a lot. We decided to go to the wake, although I really hate going to those things (then again, who doesn't). We went on our way home from work, and I am really glad we did. As soon as she saw us, she came over, and gave us hugs.. the first thing she said was, I knew you two would come, and you could tell she was very happy that we did. Sometimes it is the little things that mean so much to people. It's not hard to do them, and they mean so much. I hope that I always take time to do the little things.

Saturday we are all going to Sherry and Chuck's house for a couples night dinner and then we are all going out to this bowling alley that has karaoke. I am really looking forward to going. We are going to have such a wonderful time. We are going to celebrate Sherry's birthday too, and I am going to make a cake to take over there. She is so excited about us all coming over there, because she never got the chance to have a couples night at her house, and Cory and Jen have yet to see her house so she is looking forward to showing that off. It's going to be a great time. The cool thing, is the place where we are going for Karaoke has bowling, pool, dancing and other stuff to do, so there are lots of choices for everyone.

Tonight I took some rolls of film in. I am almost all caught up on the tons of rolls that I never thought I would be caught up on. When I got home, I decided to sit down and organize all my pictures. I must have had about 30 rolls of film sitting in their packages, still waiting to be sorted and seperated, and it took me a couple of hours to do so (okay, so I am still not finished seperating the duplicates to give to everyone, but at least I am getting it done). I figured that I better sort the stuff I had here before I picked up anymore, plus it will make it a lot easier to catch up on my scrapbook. I have tons of pictures to give to everyone too, which I always love to do. I am so glad that I have a 35 mm camera again.. I really missed having one. I love my digital camera so much and don't plan on using it any less, but it's really nice having prints too. Especially when it comes to scrapbooking. It takes a long time to get prints made of my digital pictures, or even to print them out myself. This way I can just add a few of my digital prints in with my other ones for my pages. I love organizing my scrapbook stuff. I can't explain why, but I can organize it and reorganize it over and over and not get bored doing so. If you are a scrapper, you will know what I mean, hehe.

I have been going to bed early the past few days, which has made it much easier to get up in the morning to workout. I am going to try to continue to do so.. which means it is time for me to head to bed. I can finish these pictures tomorrow, hehe. Good night.

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