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Sensitive? Me?
02-10-2004, 9:54 a.m.

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
How sensitive are you?

Thanks Cory, hehe...

Now tell me something that I didn't know... or anyone else who knows me for that matter. I know I am sensitive... okay, I know that I am way too sensitive, it is certainly not the most positive point about me. I guess that it's not always bad though either, but I know that I can take it to extreme at times. I guess that this is one time that these tests are dead on about me.

I remember this one time, when I was a kid... we were driving somewhere (where, I don't remember), and we were stopped at a light. There was an ambulance on the other side of the street and I notice a little old man laying in the street being helped my paramedics. Now I didn't know this man, and I can't tell you what happened or anything like that, but I do remember crying inconsolably for parents were at a loss at what to do with me. It's been like that my whole life. I cry watching the news... I cry at movies... I cry at the thought of anything bad happening to people I love, people I know.. people I don't know and heck even people I don't like. I am often a mess.

On the other side of the coin though, I am very sensitive to the feelings of others, and am often the first one there to offer my help. I geniunely care, and it shows. I listen when someone needs it, and I am quick to offer a hug when that is needed too. Because of that my friends come to me when something is bothering them, and that means the world to me.

I guess that as with anything in life, there is good and there is bad, and me being so sensitive has both. If you love me you are stuck with it... hehe, lucky you.

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