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Watching the Paint Dry

Watching the Paint Dry...

February 11, 2001

Yippeeeee, we are finished painting. Gosh did we work hard this weekend, but we did it. We painted the whole living room, hallway, dining room and kitchen, including the ceilings. And best of all, it looks great. Of course, it is still wet in some areas, so it looks a little splotchy still, but we can already sit and say, wow that really looks great! Oh, and the best part...I have to eat my words from the other day...We did all this painting this weekend, WITHOUT a single fight. Miracles do happen, giggle. Sure there were a few tense moments that had the potential of turning into a fight, but we managed to get passed them without fighting. What an accomplishment.

So my house still looks like a wreck, with furniture all over the place, but I am just sooooo happy to be finished painting. We even were able to put up a few of my pictures already. Just a couple, but it's enough to make me feel like it is my home again :). I still don't know how I want to do the bulk of my pictures, but I bet that I have it all done by next weekend. Once I get started, I just can't seem to stop until it is finished. I already am itching to get going on it, but I guess I need to wait for the paint to fully dry and for my furniture to be back in order before I do anything else. I just can't wait for my house to be back in order. I am so proud of both Stephen and myself. We did a great job, and we did it together. Team work :)

We are going to do a little bit each night this week now, so that the house looks really great for my pampered chef party on Sunday. The truth is, I usually HATE having these sorts of parties, but for some reason I am really looking forward to this one. Maybe because my house will actually look decent, or maybe just because my friends have been saying that they are coming. I always worry about that, what if noone shows, that sort of thing, but so far, a few people said they are coming, so woo hoo, maybe it will be a success, giggle.

Now to talk Stephen into new carpetting.... We both know how badly we need it, it's just the matter of paying for it of course... eventually.....After my trip to VA of course..because that is the most important thing, of course, hehe. Oh, and then we have our trip to Vegas in October to think about... Hmmm, maybe we can get the carpet by Christmas, LOL. Maybe...

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