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Walk Down Memory Lane

Walk Down Memory Lane...

February 12, 2001

Today was such a hectic day. Not really that horrible busy where you can't think, but the constant busy where it keeps you going all day long. I did have a nice conversation with Jen, Cory, Jo and Tonya. We were talking a walk down memory lane it seems..... talking about high school, graduation, proms and stuff like that. We were also talking about *our songs* with our DHs. My song with Stephen is You're in my Heart, by Rod Stewert. This song always makes me happy, always makes me smile, always reminds me of good times in the past. This is the song that Stephen purposely had playing on the stereo when he proposed... it was also the fist song we danced to at our wedding. Ah, the good memories.... but it is always nice to make new ones too....

It is lots of fun sometimes, taking that walk down memory lane. Remembering moments sometimes temporarily forgotten. Good moments, funny moments, special moments. We were filling out these questionaires for our Wed4life group recently, about our love story and stuff. It was so special remembering things about Stephen and I, things like, our first date, and our first kiss. The best part, was that I would stop and ask Stephen, do you remember when our first kiss was, or our first date and all those questions, and he DID. I was almost surprised, he has the worst memory, but he said that he could never forget those things. Awww, what a great guy I've got. I think I will keep him for a while. Like another 100000 years.


Stephen and I got lots more done tonight. Our living room is back in order, and looks so much better than before. I worked on cleaning one of the couches tonight... and Stephen cleaned the blinds in the dining room. We also got some of the light fixtures back up. Amazing how much of a difference the little stuff does. I was able to hang up a few of my pictures. I will do a little more each evening, and hopefully it will be all done by the weekend. I am so glad with how it is coming out :) Yippeeee....

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