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Between Happy and Sad

Between Happy and Sad...

February 13, 2001

Cory told me the best news last night. She is going to go to Virginia with me to visit Jen and Tonya. We are all soooooo excited about it. When she told me that she decided to go, I could barely contain my excitement. I certainly was doing the happy dance! I had been waiting on pins and needles for her to make her decision, and while I hoped for a positive answer, I really wasn't sure that it was going to work out. Woo hoo, I am sooooo glad that it went this way. Now we can start counting down... 70 days...(well 71)... 70 days and a wake-up....

We keep talking and talking and talking about plans now that it is certain that we are going. What we want to do and see, where we want to go, what we want to pack. Packing has never been the easiest thing for me. I am definitely an over-packer. See, I can't plan what I am going to wear each day, I can't stand that. I have to wait and see how I feel, what I feel like wearing. What kind of mood I am in, all that stuff. Something that feels good on me today, might make me feel ugly or fat the next day, know what I mean? So for 3 days, I might pack like 12 outfits... LOL. And the possibilities for this trip are endless, we are talking shorts, jeans, capris, sweatshirts, t-shirts, nice shirts...and shoes... forget it...LOL. The funny part is that Cory is the same way, so I can just see us now with 10 suitcases, LOL. Good thing I have a pretty big suitcase!!!

The best part is that we all seem to agree on the things we want to do. Yippeee, nothing worse that not agreeing on that. I so love to have it all planned too, cause I like to be excited about what we are going to do, instead of sitting around saying "Duh, what do you want to do today?" and then not being able to agree. That is one of my pet peeves big time.


That was all the happy news from the day. Unfortunately there was sad news today too. My SIL Delores lost the baby. I was so sad to hear this, and I know how devastated she must be feeling right now. I want to call her so badly to see how she is doing (My MIL gave us the news), but I don't want to intrude on her private time. She will call when she is ready, right? I hope so, I hope she knows that I am here and that I do so understand...

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