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In A Mood

In A Mood...

February 13, 2002

Don't ask me why, cause I really don't know, but I've been in somewhat of a mood today. Not really a bad mood in so many words.. but I just didn't feel like talking to anyone or doing anything.

I did go work out though, even though I so didn't want to do that either. I did 22 minutes on the treadmill and 8 on the Elliptical machine, going 1.9 miles. Did I mention that I did 2 miles in 32 minutes yesterday? That was awesome, and I was so proud of that.. but I was lucky to stick with 30 minutes today. Later I went to swim for 30 minutes as well, even though I didn't want to do that either. It feels so good to do it when you would rather be doing anything else at all.

Today is Nicole's Birthday. Happy Birthday Nicole. Chrissy and June really wanted to talk to her and say happy birthday, so I was glad she called me (I had called her earlier) and then we called Chrissy and June. They were excited to talk to her, and they are really excited about her sleep-over on Saturday. This it the first birthday of Jen's kids that I really get to participate in.. I like that, truly. It is becoming so much a normal part of life to share these things with Jen now. It is comfortable, and very very nice.

Chrissy called me a few times tonight, she really needed someone to talk to. I don't want to get into details here, but she had some very huge concerns about a friend at school, and was debating whether she wanted to let someone know who might be able to help this girl. She decided to have Chuck call the school about it, and now she has an appointment with her councelor tomorrow. I am so proud of her. She is worried about all the other kids calling her a snitch, but from what she told me, I really think she is doing the right thing. This other girl is having some huge problems, and really is crying out for help. I think that Chrissy can be proud of what she is doing.. even if it might me hard for her. I think she is such a wonderful kid and I love her so much. I am so very proud of her. I totally love that she feels like she can come to me with all of this... with everything... she tells me so very much... things she can't feel comfortable talking to Sherry about.. but yet could use advice with. I am happy to be there for her, and it does make me feel special, I admit that.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I got the cutest Valentine gift from Tonya today. She made these candy roses... I cannot believe she made these... I really thought she had bought them until she told me. She did such a great job. Thank you Tonya!
  2. I have an icky icky cold and my nose is all stuffed up, yuck. Another thing to talk to my doctor about tomorrow.
  3. I am nervous about my appointment tomorrow for some reason. I am never nervous about dr. appts... but I am about this one.
  4. Cory told me that she invited Jo to come to Florida to meet us. How cool would that be... Jo lives over-sea, so that would be such a big deal! Jo, I hope you are considering it.
  5. Why is it that as soon as you say you can't have something you want it? I gave up candy for Lent, as you know..and I really hadn't had any candy in days.. but now all of a sudden today I am craving it totally. I didn't have any though... because I knew I would have to admit it here, and I wasn't about to do that... so thank you for keeping me strong, giggle.
  6. I am sleepy... I am going to to cuddle with Stephen now. I was watching the olympics all night while he played on the computer, oh except for the bit that I spent working on my scrapbook, and got another page done, yay me. Now it's cuddle time... my favorite :)

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 115

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