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Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day...

February 14, 2002

Happy Valentine's Day!!! I love Valentine's Day. I dunno.. I guess because you get to tell your honey how much you love him. I don't really care so much about cards and flowers and presents, as I do just spending the time with Stephen. That is why it was no big deal to me if we went out to eat tonight or stayed home to watch the allstar game. I just want to be together.

We drove in to work seperately today, because I have a doctor appointment at 2:15 and he couldn't leave early to go with me. I am glad anyway, because this gives me a chance to stop and pick up something to make him a special dinner. We were going to order out, and watch the game together, but I do so enjoy cooking for him, especially on special days. I know he will stop on his way home and get me flowers and a balloon... he always does. He usually gets candy too, but I told him this year.. NO CANDY!!! He told me okay, but that I can't get him any "girly-sissy flowers"... Flowers are for girls he always says, giggle. Doesn't he realize that I only buy him flowers occasionally because I want them in the house, and it feels nice to say they are for him, when they really are for myself, lol. Men.

I have an icky cold, but I have been taking the Alleve Cold medicine. That stuff really works, but it also makes me feel, blah, or out of it. It certainly made working out VERY hard today. I wanted to quit so bad.. but I didn't, and for that I am happy (well at least now that it is over, I am happy, hehe). I can't wait to talk to my doctor today about my workouts and all that stuff. I am nervous about being weighed though. I know that they say that you don't start losing weight right away because of muscle weighing more and all that stuff.. but still, it would be nice to see a little change at least.. something to keep you going. I know you know what I mean. I have been noticing tiny changes though, and I cling to those as hope... anything to show me that this is for something. Don't get me wrong.. I do feel so much better about myself already.. but I need those changes to hold onto... or I know I won't keep going. I admit it, I am weak! So I figure, I am going to either be very very happy, or very discouraged later... I keep telling myself.. that it's too early, not to worry, all those things, but I know that I am going to be disappointed if there is no change.. Just 1 pound.. that is all I need.. 1 pound. Just a little something ...

Daily Tidbits

  1. Today is my nephew Jake's 12th birthday. I hope that he is having a wonderful one. Sometimes he says that he hates that his birthday is on Valentine's Day. Imagine how it will be when he is old enough to have a girlfriend... hehe... No honey, I didn't get you a valentine day present.. because it's my birthday and we should celebrate that instead, giggle.
  2. My legs have been hurting so bad after about 15 minutes on the treadmill. Like in my shins... shins splints... ugh. I think I am going to try taking some advil an hour before I walk for a few days and see if that helps. I am going to talk to Dr. Stuck about it today. Anyone know of anything you can do to help them?
  3. What a name for a doctor, Dr. Stuck. Makes me thinks of shots and needles, LOL. None of those for me today!

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 160
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 300
Miles Walked - 18.16

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