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First Achievement

First Achievement...

February 14, 2002

Well...I was excited and nervous about my appointment. It went wonderfully, and I am so glad I went. I left work a little early so that I could stop and get some groceries to cook Stephen dinner tonight. I ended up making smoked butt and cabbage and boy was it yummy. It's funny how much more you enjoy your meals when you are cutting down on the snacks.

So, of course the first thing they do when you get into the office, is check your weight. Normally I so dread that... but today, I was very anxious about it. Before she checked, I asked her if she could check the notes and see what my weight was the last time I was there. So she did.. and on January 4th, I weighed in at 221 pounds. Got that is so much. I hate writing it here, but I want to. Today, I was hoping for a few pound loss... I think I needed a few pound loss. I wasn't disappointed. Today I weighed in at 207.5.... at 13.5 pound loss. I was soooo excited I wanted to cry. Finally, something tangible to hold on to, to see that I am going in the right direction. It was a great feeling.

Dr. Stuck was very proud of me, and he made a few suggestions. He want's me to consider weight watchers.. but he said that he thinks that what I am doing is wonderful. We talked about my shin splints, and he said that he hesitates to break my motivation but that he felt that maybe I should slow it down a notch... I told him I would rather not, so he offered a few suggestions... a new pair of better shoes... maybe doing a little less treadmill time or at a slower speed until this passes... and to take a few advil before I work out. He suggested more swimming instead... and anything else that doesn't hurt my legs. I think that I've been doing pretty good and have been spending a little more time on the jogger machine.. and that one doesn't hurt me so we'll see what happens.

He also is having me go for another cat scan tomorrow. To check my kidneys and just be sure that the stones have passed and to see that there is no more in there. He just wants to be sure. I also have to go in for some fasting blood work before he will continue my metformin prescription, so I will do that in the morning as well. I have another appointment with him next Thursday to go over the results of everything and to get the metformin prescription (he said he is holding it hostage to get me back, hehe). I am not looking forward to the scan tomorrow though.. I hate those things... those machines suck, lol.

Stephen and I have had a very nice night. He brought me flowers and balloons and stuff... and then we went to get his hair cut. He let me pick this time, and I told them how I wanted it cut, and I love it.. he looks soooooooooo handsome. I got the sides and back short, and just a little longer on top, giving it that mussy look. Gosh is he so cute. We came home, had dinner and watched some of the allstar game. Okay, it was a bit boring!! I mean it was just one goal after another after another.. the final score ended up being 13-11... I ended up switching back and forth between that and the olympics and then I watched all of charmed.. Now I am back to the olympics, hehe. We are going to cuddle in a bit.. and hopefully have some other fun (blush). Hope everyone is having as good a Valentine's Day as I am.

One last note... I just want to tell Jen how very proud I am of her. She wrote in her journal today how she hasn't had a weight loss yet... and even if the scale isn't showing it yet, her body is. I cannot say enough the differences I am seeing in her. Jen, I promise you, I wouldn't say that to make you feel better... I won't lie to you, I mean that. I don't want anyone to lie to me about this stuff just to make me feel better, and I won't lie to you guys either. You are looking great... and seeing that in you really makes me want to work harder. You have so much to be proud of.. remember that. And remember that I love you!

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