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Valentine's Day
02-14-2003, 8:13 p.m.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Or at least it would be if I weren't so dang sick. I thought I was getting better, or at least I felt better yesterday morning, but by last night I felt worse than ever, and I've felt awful all day today. In fact, I only went to work this morning because I knew that I had to copy our final for Monday. Once that was done, I was out of there, gladly going home for the rest of the day, where I've done nothing more than lay around.

Stephen has been so sweet, and he has been trying to be romantic, but I just feel so icky, and my throat hurts so badly that the thought of even being romantic is beyond me. I did manage to get up and make us some yummy soup for dinner, so I at least was able to make dinner for Stephen for valentine's day, hehe.

So tomorrow night, we were supposed to all go out to Sherry and Chucks for a couples night dinner, and then out to this karaoke bowling alley type bar. Between me being sick, and the bad weather that we are supposed to get, we decided to reschedule it until March, which is a bummer, but a good thing because I really am not feeling up to it anyway. Hopefully though, I will be able to keep my scrapping day with Tricia tomorrow morning. I would hate to have to cancel that too, but at the same time, I really don't want to get anyone sick either. I am going to pay it by ear and see how I am feeling in the morning. I am hoping that I am feeling better, because I was really looking forward to going over there.

So we are finally getting some of the snow that they've been promising all day long. Actually, it's coming down pretty fast. It's really very pretty though, and if I wasn't already sick, I would talk Stephen into going out there and playing with me, hehe. I told him that for sure tomorrow we have to take pictures outside. I don't think that I have any pictures for any winter layouts this year so far, eek. Gotta have at least one or two snow pages in my scrapbook. I am just glad that it's the weekend and we don't have to go to work in this tomorrow, that worked out really well, hehe.

Okay, we are going to go lay in bed and watch a movie together. It might not be the most romantic of valentine's days, but it's perfect in my book.

And a very Happy Birthday to our newphew, Jacob. He is a valentine's baby. Well not so much a baby anymore, as he is 13 today. Gosh, I still remember him crawling around.. where the heck does the time go?

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