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Out To Lunch

Out to Lunch...

February 15, 2001

Stephen and I had a wonderful lunch today. I took him out to lunch for Valentine's Day. Okay, why a day late, right? Wellll, he was too busy to go yesterday, so we had to wait until today. It was probably better that way anyway, since every place was way crowded yesterday. Stephen absolutely loves pizza, and since while I like it occasionally, but don't necessarily always pick to go out for it, I took him to Connie's. Why I don't take him here more often I don't know, because I do really enjoy it. They have an awesome buffet style lunch, with these really great salads. They also have other items besides Pizza in the buffet, and so there is plenty to choose from. Maybe I should make the effort more often, since he enjoys it so much... nah, then it wouldn't be as special.

The term "out to lunch" always makes me think of this game that we play with the kids. I am going to laugh as I write this, because I can just see the face of anyone reading they think "that's a game?? what's the point" because it really doesn't make any sense at all, it's just something that we've been doing with them since they were little. Okay, here is how it goes... I will use Chrissy for example.. Stephen will say her name... "Chrissy?" and if she says "What?" then he says "Stinks". You know, Chrissy Stinks... but you can only say stinks if the person says what. Soooooo, now whenever you say one of their names, they say something goofy like "out to lunch" instead of what. I am laughing right now, but I guess you have to be there. The funny part is how your mind just automatically thinks to say something after a while.

Another example of this. When the girls were little, I would always say "Guess what?" to them... and when they would ask "what" I would say "I love you". So now, a lot of times when you ask them "guess what?", they just automatically say "I love you too". Okay, so I think it's cute.. you don't have to agree, LOL.


I talked to Delores yesterday. She sounded really good. I have to admit that in a small way I have been feeling guilty about the whole thing. Don't ask me why, maybe because I got sad when I first heard she was pregnant. Even if I was sad for a moment, I would have never wanted something bad to happen to her, and I never would have wished this on her... but still I've felt some guilt over it. Talking to her yesterday helped me a lot. She sounds like she is handling this alright. She said that ya, she has cried a lot, and she feels sad about it, but that she also realizes that she has been blessed with 3 wonderful children, and that she has chosen to concentrate on them right now. I am so proud of her for this wonderful way of chosing to look at it. I also know though, from experience, that sometimes it takes a while to hit you, so I hope that she knows that if she ever does need a supportive hand, that I am here. She did also thank me for the note I sent her last week, and when we were hanging up, the last thing she said was "thanks for caring", so I am glad that I have been able to be there even in such a small way.

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