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Not Much of Anything

Not Much of Anything...

February 15, 2002

I am really not in much of a writing mood, but I will give it a try. I don't know... there are just some times when I really do not have anything to talk about. At times, I can just talk about nothing at all, and at other's... I just can't talk about anything, LOL.

My boss was out of town today, so aside from having to finish up some exam stuff, it was a pretty easy day. That is a great thing, considering that things are going to start getting crazy next week. We have our final exam on Thursday, and Walt's grant is due on March 1, so that is going to be a big priority. As long as I have the time to go work out, I will get thru it.

So, speaking of working out. I did well today. I took some advil before I went to work out, and then I took the speed on the treadmill down a notch. I am not sure which it was or a combination of both, but I didn't have any pain in my legs. I was so happy.. I even walked a few extra minutes, but I didn't want to push it, so I stopped at 24. Still it took me 24 minutes to go as far as 20-22 had been taking the rest of the week. I did my 10 minutes on the jogger as well, and ended up going 2.01 miles in 34 minutes. I was very happy with that.. and I think that is what I will do for a while until my legs are feeling better on their own.

I so didn't want to swim this afternoon. Not that I didn't want to swim.. it's the getting dressed afterwards that is such a pain sometimes... but the girls talked me into it, and I am sooooo glad that they did because I felt so much better afterwards. I only swam for 26 minutes because Stephen was able to leave a little early today and I wanted to get back... but that was good and I felt real good afterwards.

I haven't done much this evening other than watch the Olympics and work on something (can't say what, it's a gift, lol). Stephen is in a non-cuddly mood, so I guess I've been pouting a little bit about that, LOL. I hate it when he is cuddly and I am not and when I am and he isn't. Oh well... whatever. We are going to watch the Hockey game in a little bit.. so that should be fun.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Mom decided to park at the airport tomorrow for the week... so unless things change, I don't have to take them. I dunno, with her things can change 20 times before tomorrow, giggle. Hey, I am not complaining, just showing that I come by it naturally.
  2. Like my new layout? I do. I am also going to do 4 pictures of the week now, and just change one a day, so that they are staying up longer. I've been asked by a few people to do so, so why not.
  3. I am kinda sleepy... must be all the exercise :) I am getting up in the morning to swim with Cory too... so maybe I should just go to bed a little early. Man, it's one of those nights.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 220
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 334
Miles Walked � 20.17

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