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Um, Hello, He is Taken

Um, Hello, He is Taken...

February 20, 2002

Okay, at first I admit that I found it amusing, even cute. There have been quite a few female students at work, who have flirted with Stephen, even have asked him out... albeit they seemingly don't realize he is married or whatever, but c'mon now.. its not like I don't work there... most students do know we are married...and I am getting rather tired of them flirting with my honey. It happened again today... a couple of students went up to him in the hallway, asking him about grades, and asking him what he was doing next week while they were on break... now, you ask, how do I know they were flirting? Wellllll, his boss laughingly told me. First she told him "wow, if you were single you would mop up around here". Well you know what, he isn't single!!!

Then later, when I got to go workout (later than normal) it was a little crowded, but not too bad. I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill, and some of my weights.. and then went to get on the jogger while it was available. Well as I was starting, Stephen came over to do his workout. This is the first time that we've gotten to work out together at the same time, and it was nice. I have to admit that it was fun to check him out while he was working out.. at least until I looked over and saw another girl checking him out too. Normally, I would be proud and happy.. but enough is enough is enough. I know I will laugh about this tomorrow, but today it has been bugging me. The good thing.. Stephen is pretty oblivious to it all.. let's keep it that wah, hehe.

We had a nice dinner tonight with Stephen's parents. Actually, I think this is our first one in a few weeks.. last week we didn't go because of Valentine's Day and the week before I was sick, so Stephen went alone, and the week before, his mom had to babysit... so it's been a few weeks. It was a great time though, and as usual I enjoyed it. Liz was going to church tonight for the missions... so we drove her to that and then headed home. I wanted to stop at Michaels for a special piece of paper I needed to finish a layout for Cory, and Stephen said he would go with me so we stopped and did that.. now we are home... just vegging. I did a layout for Cory, and now I only have one to do before Saturday.. and now I am just watching the olympics.

Speaking of the Olympics.. could it get anymore controversial. These games have just been so full of bad calls, and unhappy people. It should be intersting to see what happens from here.. but I hope that the Russians and South Koreans do not pull out from the games... Unity is what this world needs right now, not more controversy.

Daily Tidbits

  1. We found out today that Gerald and Michelle are having the boy's birthday party on Saturday. Nice notice. Now I have to go get 3 gifts (the party is for Jake, Timmy and James), and re-work Saturday out. I am going to swim with Cory, then get Chrissy, then pick up Stephen, then go to the Party and go to the wolves game from there. Can you say busy busy day?
  2. Yesterday was a bad *friend* day. We had some blowouts, which upset me. I always know that things will be okay, but it doesn't make it any less hard. We worked a lot of things out today, so that's good.
  3. I am glad it's almost the weekend. Not that I will get to relax much, but I need a break.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 460
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 494
Miles Walked � 29.78

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