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Sore Neck
02-22-2004, 9:28 p.m.

Tonight was the last Sex and the City, and it was really good, and I cried at the end. It�s amazing how much we can come to love TV shows, and how real that they seem at times. We laugh and cry with these characters, and so for it to be the ending, it was a bit sad. Don�t get me wrong, I am not a freak or anything, and I won�t be crying for days over it�. but at the moment, it was a little sad, in a good way, hehe. I can�t believe that Friends is going to be ending soon too� man, there goes an hour and a half of my time each week, giggle. Or I can look at it the other way, I will have more time to catch up on other things, hehe.

I had a nice weekend with June and Nicole this weekend. Tonya had to work, but she came back and forth from here, which was nice. The girls and I did lots of crafty stuff, but they didn�t want to go to the scrapbook store though. When I asked them, they asked if we could just go to the craft store instead and get stuff to work on here. I was okay with that, why drive an hour to someplace that they don�t really want to go, and besides, I really have had a sore neck all weekend. I don�t know what I did but Friday when I woke up, I could barely turn my head, and it just got worse and worse. It�s been a rough few days, and nights (hard to sleep, it hurts so bad), but it�s starting to get better now, thankfully. Tonya and Stephen both were so nice, rubbing icy hot on my neck for me, and that really helped. I just felt bad, cause I was so whiney about it. I could barely do anything, so I saved all my energy for doing stuff with the girls, which was fun. The weekend went too quickly.

Today we all went to Stephen�s basketball game. The girls took a couple of years off my life there. They wanted to play in the park, so we let them. Well I always go out to check on them when they are in the park, and I did so today too� Their coats were both on a bench, but they were no where in sight. I ran all over the whole park looking for them, not worried at first, but then I really started getting worried... imagining them kidnapped or whatever. I eventually even went back in and got Stephen right from his game. He ran out looking for them too, and I checked the inside bathroom... they were there! Ugh� I would have looked their first if their coats hadn�t been outside. I wanted to kick their butts, hehe� okay not really, I was just scared for a few moments. I got over it quickly once I knew that they were okay.

We came home and I made us a yummy dinner. I made Cornish hens, which I knew that June loves, but Jen has said that her kids don�t like them too much, so I was prepared to make some mac and cheese for Nicole� but she got excited when she saw what I made, and ate so well. She really eats well for me� what is it about kids that they eat so much better for other people, but not for their parents, hehe. I was going to drive Tonya and Nicole home tonight, and stop half way to meet up with Sherry, but then Jen offered to meet us half way too, and I have to admit that it was great. It saved a lot of time for me, and besides, it�s still hard to drive when I can�t turn so quickly, so I was grateful.

This is going to be a very long week at work. We have finals this week, along with some other stuff, so I know that it�s going to be long days. I have an exam tomorrow so I have to be in pretty early. I am hoping that I will be able to sleep better tonight. That would be really nice. I feel okay right now, but I know that once I lay down I will be hurting again.

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