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Looking Forward
02-23-2004, 9:00 p.m.

We had our final today and all I could say is thank goodness that is over. It was an icky day and so many little things went wrong, but as usual it all came out alright in the end. I was just glad when the day was over. The only bad thing about this quarter being over, is that the next quarter is my very busy one, and I am also going to be really busy with FS stuff, so it�s going to make for a couple of long months at work.

On to better things though. Friday night Cory and I are going to a scrapbook night at the new store that we both love. I am really excited about it for a multitude of reasons. First being that I�ve not really done anything with Cory in months, and we are both feeling that. Things are so different lately, and we are both really busy but we need to make the effort and we know it. I think we are both really looking forward to Friday. Besides, I have not scrapped in a long time, and I am hopeful that this will help get me motivated. This new store is awesome too, and we are really looking forward to seeing how their Friday night crops are. They have lots of space, and some really neat stuff, so it could be a lot of fun.

It is important to make time for the people who mean so much to you. Sometimes we forget that, but I am really trying with all of my loved ones.

Afterwards I am going out to my mom and dad�s for the weekend. I think that my sister is planning on going out there too, making it a real girls weekend. My mom has called me several times to tell me how excited she is about that, and how she can�t wait. I can�t either. It�s been a long time coming, and I know that it�s going to be a wonderful weekend� all around, one that I need very badly.

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