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Ready for bed...
02-24-2004, 8:05 p.m.

I have been ready for bed ever since I walked in the door tonight. It�s been all I could do to stay awake. I knew though that if I laid down and took a nap that I would be up all night, so I just laid down and watched TV instead. I was starting to fall asleep though, so I came to write for a few. Hopefully by the time I am done it will be late enough to go to bed. I am also hoping that by going to bed early, I will be able to get up early tomorrow and go to the gym. I know that I�ve said it before, like a million times, but I would love to start going in the mornings again. Starting is hard, but once you get going it is just so much nicer. You have it done and don�t have to worry about it the rest of the day, hehe.

I had a nice day today. Even though I was busy at work, I got to spend a lot of time just chatting with Jen (and playing canasta) and we really haven�t been able to do that in a long time, so I treasured it. I know that it will be a long while before we get that chance again, but they seem to come right when we need them the most.

Okay, I thought I could type, but all I seem to be able to do is yawn.. is it almost time for bed yet?

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