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Heart of Gold
02-25-2004, 9:40 a.m.

gold heart
Heart of Gold

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am such a sucker when it comes to these quizzes. I took this one from Cory's journal, who took it from Dana. It is really funny to see how your results compare with everyone elses sometimes.

So I did make it to bed a little earlier last night, but not when I had wanted to. Stephen asked me to play cards with him, and since I love spending time doing stuff with him, I couldn't resist. It was fun, so I am not complaining a bit.

When we went to bed, I set the alarm for early so I could get up this morning to workout... and then didn't turn it on... hello? Okay.. I guess I am really working at sabotaging myself. The good thing is that at least I got up early enough on my own for work. Stephen has come to the conclusion that he has corrupted me. I used to be an eary to bed early to rise sort of person... but he is a stay up late get up late person, and lately I have been staying up later and later with him. I think that he likes it that way, giggle. I am not giving up though. I will be trying again tomorrow.. you know that try try again until you succeed thing.

Can you believe that today is already Ash Wednesday? Where is this year going? It is totally just flying by. I am going to give up candy for lent... well, with the exception of sugar-free mints and/or gum. So I am giving up all sugared candy, hehe. That is going to be a rough one because I have been having tons of it lately. It will be better for me though, and that is a good thing, but I know it's going to be hard. I take that seriously though, so I have no doubt that I will succeed. No meat today, and on Fridays... another hard thing... not really if you try hard, but when you know you can't have something, it only makes you want it more.

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