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February 23, 2001

Empiiirrreeee. If you are from the Chicago land area, you are laughing right now. If not, too bad!!

Actually, Empire is a carpet company that has been around forever or so it seems, and 588-2300 is their phone number. Ever since I was a kid, they have had the same type of commercials, with their phone number sung, and the same man in the commercials. I can't even tell you how many times I had given out that phone number as my own as a teenage, especially to boys that I didn't like. It always took them a moment to catch on too, well it's not like I sang it or anything, giggle.

Why, you might ask, am I talking about this? Simple, we have an appointment with them this evening. They are coming out to measure and give us an estimate on carpeting. We had planned on waiting until around Chrismtas time to get new carpeting, since we realllyyy can't afford it right now, buttttt my mom talked me into it. After all they are having a special right now, 50%, no installation fee, and no interest, no payments for a year. We could have it paid off before then, so we wouldn't have to pay interest on it at all then. And we really doooo need new carpets, especially in the living room. I hope that we find something that we like and that the price is reasonable. We'll see.

Wow, other than that, believe it or not, we have no plans for the whole weekend. Now how did that happen? Giggle. We were supposed to go to Sherry and Chuck's tomorrow for dinner and to play games, but Sherry called today and cancelled. She is sick, awwww :( She did say that if we still wanted to come, that she would still make dinner, but that's just crazy, I don't want to catch the flu from her.. sheesh, no thanks, I think that I will stay home. On Sunday, Stephen has his basketball game, and we will probably go to Church before his game, but other than that I am really looking forward to a lonnggg peaceful weekend with nothing to do. Especially after the crazy weekend that I had last weekend and the long crazy week that I had. This is going to be nice. Watch movies, maybe read a book, work on my scrapbooks, do nothing.... yum! The weather is supposed to be so yucky all weekend anyway, and I wasn't looking forward to driving out to Sherry and Chuck's in freezing rain. I guess it all worked out for the best. Now to be lazy... if only the afternoon would go a little more quickly so I could get home!

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