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Brother's Turn at Vegas
02-24-2005, 10:20 a.m.

I just wrote a long vent, but then thought better of it, and deleted it. Funny how sometimes we have to censor ourselves on our own journals. I guess that life is that way though, I find myself censoring myself in a lot of different areas. Should be used to it. It was nothing major though, so that's a good thing.

I am so sleepy today, man, I am never going to get back on track. I've been staying up even later than Stephen lately, and if you know Stephen at all, you have to know that this is not something that is done easily. I just am not tired at night, but boy am I tired all day. It's all I can do not to take a nap when we get home from work, but I haven't been. I guess that is a good thing, except for the fact that I am suddenly wide awake when it is time for bed. Good thing it's almost the weekend. Good thing we don't have too many plans for this weekend, hehe. We have James' birthday party on Saturday but that is about it.

Next weekend my brother and SIL are going to Vegas, so I am going to go over and watch their kids for the weekend. My mom is supposed to do it, and I was going to help her, but now my uncle is going to be in visiting from China, so I guess I will just watch them on my own. It will be a lot easier doing so at their house though, and I am not worried about it, they are all good kids. In fact, I am really looking forward to spending the time with them. I called June last night to invite her to go with me, and she was so excited, since she will get ot spend the weekend playing with Matt, Sara, Brian and Megan. That will be fun for her, and actually will make things easier on me too.. Kids are always better when they have someone to play with, hehe. Hey, whatever makes it easiest. Apparently though the kids are really excited about me coming, so that makes me feel really great. It will be fun... oh, and Sara and June both LOVE the sims... so they always want me to play that with them, giggle... life will be like normal, hehe. Hopefully Scott and Sharon will win in Vegas... unlike the rest of us this time. Hey, someone's gotta win. Of course they didn't build Vegas on winners, did they?

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