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"Just Like Aunt Vicki... but with Glasses"
02-26-2005, 7:04 p.m.

I picked up my glasses this morning; by then I was a little more adjusted to the idea of needing them. Still, I guess I was a little sad, and not really sure if I was going to like them. To be honest, I could barely remember what they looked like, it was all a blur (no pun intended). I guess they aren't THAT bad.

Actually, Stephen likes them, alot. He keeps staring at me, and he said "you look so cute, I am so impressed with how well you picked on your first time out"... he is funny. I guess it's a good thing that he likes them though, I would hate it if he didn't... and really that was one fear, silly as it may be. You always want your husband to like how you look.

Today is our nephew James' 6th birthday so we went over there for dinner. I wasn't going to take them with, but Stephen wanted me to wear them for driving (he wants me to get used to them), so I had them on when I walked in, but took them off right away. Well my MIL asked about them (she knew I was getting them) and the girls all heard her... and of course they wanted to see them, so I showed them. They had me laughing. Amy and Kimmy said "You look so pretty Aunt Vicki, and we aren't just saying that because you are our Godmother". Karolyn looked at me for a few minutes and said "You look the same Aunt Vicki... just like Aunt Vicki, but with glasses". I guess they helped to make me feel better. Maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.

In truth, I can see where they are going to help with certain things, mostly here on the computer, and with driving. I am surprised though because there are a few times when they don't seem to be helpful, working on my crafts for one... I can see better without them in that situation. Gonna take some getting used to, that is for sure.

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