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Artificially Flavored with Real Fruit Juice
03-01-2005, 11:11 p.m.

Can you believe that it is March already? Man, that just does not seem possible. Today is Maddy's Birthday (Tonya's little girl). We (Stephen and I) sent her flowers and she called tonight all excited telling us how beautiful they are. I am glad that she got them, and that she loved them. I just wish she were here instead of there. It was a really rough day for Tonya, very emotional and I know hard. We went to the movies after work, kinda to keep her mind off of things, and it turned out to be a pretty nice evening, all things considered. We saw Ocean's Twelve, which was pretty good, although, in my opinion, not as good as Ocean's Eleven. Still worth seeing however, and I am glad thate we finally got the opportunity to do so.

When we got home, my new expansion pack for the Sims game was here.. woo hoo. I couldn't wait to get it installed and I had tons of fun checking it out and playing a little. I also got in the mail some pictures from Vegas that I had ordered. I am making cards for everyone, and sending them a couple (approximately 5-6) pictures each. I will be glad to get that all finalized and out of here.

So the other day, Tonya was drinking a juice box... and we read on it "Artifically flavored with REAL fruit juice". Man, we cracked up for about 20 minutes on that one, and now that is our new saying around here. It makes me chuckle just thinking about it. There is just something so very wrong about that statement.

Well, it's late and I am tired, and if I sit here much longer, I will be tempted to just play for a little bit longer and that would so not be a good thing, so goodnight.

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