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Relaxing Day

Relaxing Day...

February 24, 2002

After the crazy running around day that we had yesterday, it was nice to have a day where we had nothing big really planned. Stephen got up early and woke the rest of us up. I will have to remember that one next weekend, giggle. I made us some blueberry muffins for breakfast (which the girls lovedddd) and we just laid around and watched Winnie the Pooh movies for a bit. Then Stephen took the girls out to the hardware store to get some materials for June's project, while I cleaned up a little bit. She had to make a musical instrument, and she picked a nail piano... okkkayy.. that worked out so well.. NOT... everytime we hit one nail the others would pop out of the board... it didn't matter how deep you put them in either. If anything it was comical at least, hehe.

So June and I ran to Michaels to get some stuff to make some shakers.. can't go wrong there. I ended up spending 20 bucks on it though, because she just HAD to have fancy ones... LOL. I am such a sucker... 20 bucks for a stupid school project... gawd. We also stopped to take back the reebok shoes I bought last week.. I hated them, they made my feet hurt... I like my cheap shoes much better, hehe. We then went to the grocery store for some groceries for lunch and dinner. We had fun, just June and I. Then it was back home to make her project. It turned out cute.. and while we were gone, Chrissy and Stephen had made her the guitar off her sheet. It was adorable, but since June had to make it herself, and we had spent so much on the stuff.. I made her do the shakers anyway.

After that, the girls wanted to do their own thing.. Chrissy worked on her scrapbook and June went outside to play with Rocky and Stephen was watching the USA/Canada Hockey game, and I laid down to watch it with him. Okay, I saw the first 5 minutes, and the medal ceremony... I sorta took a nap during the rest, giggle. It was sooooo nice. When I got up, I started dinner (Cornish hens with wild rice, yum) and Chuck came to get the girls.

After they left, we ate (Chuck didn't want to stay for dinner, cause he had stuff to do, so we have sooo much leftovers, LOL.. oh well). Then I listened to the Wolves game on the radio, read my book, and then was going to work on some scrap stuff, but got caught up watching the closing ceremonies instead. Now I am going to watch a movie with Stephen and hope that I can get to sleep after napping. Actually I am pretty tired, so that shouldn't be a problem at all.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Mom and gram's plane should be getting in right now. They are late. Krystal came to get Rocky though, so he is gone. I think Shadow and Stephen both miss him, giggle.
  2. We are watching Miss Congeniality. We've seen it before, but it's a cute one. Stephen is cracking up, hehe.
  3. Tomorrow should be a pretty busy day for me, as should the rest of the week. I can't wait to workout though. I probably won't get to swim much, but since the students are on break, and many of them work as the life-guards, I am sure that there will not be many open hours anyway. We'll see how that goes.
  4. I wore the jeans yesterday that were too tight to wear before. That felt good. But boy, I ate tons this weekend... sheesh.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 587
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 561
Miles Walked � 33.83

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