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February 27, 2002

Today, for the 2nd day in a row, Stephen has asked me to go workout with him. I can't even tell you what that means to me. It's almost like, I don't know.. like he believes that I am doing this, and that I will stick with it, or whatever. I have totally liked going over to workout with him though. It's been awesome.

We do totally different things while we are there... and we barely talk.. but he walks by and winks at me.. or smiles from across the room, or comes over to call me his muscle head, and those things matter... a lot. Today, as I was walking on the jogger.. he was doing butterflies.. which is the machine right next to the jogger. I said to him "Come here often", giggle.. he said, not too often, and then I asked him if he wanted to co home with me. It was cute and fun, and I really remembered today how much I enjoy flirting with my husband. Ohhh the changes...

Tonight we are going home from work and hanging out. We are going to watch the Wolves game tonight, although I might get online and get Tonya to watch some of it as well, hehe. Speaking of the Wolves, we talked again today at lunch about getting half season tickets next year. I really am thinking we might do it, maybe, perhaps.. who knows, LOL. I said the same thing last year. It's not like we don't go to that many games anyway.. I guess it's just different when you pay for it all at once, rather than over the season.

So I have no workout buddies for this weekend. The pool is closed, so Cory decided not to come out, and Jen was going to meet me but she is flying to NC instead to see her parents. I am way happy for her to be able to do that. I hope she has a good time. Maybe I will get Stephen to workout with me. Yah right.. he doesn't do it on weekends... T-F those are his days to workout. 4 days a week is enough for him he says. Of course he doesn't need it like I do. He said that he does have some work he can do out here though, so he will at least drive out with me. I think I will still do it. I really have been liking doing stuff on Saturdays.. and it makes it easier to get back in the swing of things on Monday. I don't know if I am ready for 2 days off, hehe.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a nice easy day at work today. I had enough work to do to keep me totally busy, but not so much that I felt stressed or overwhelmed. Things are back to normal around here, yay!
  2. My boss said, man, we should have waited to mail the grant.. we could have done this or this or that.. Um, no thank you.. .it was perfect.. I am glad it's out of our hands. Now to wait 6 months to hear anything, that is the hardest part. If it gets approved, it means no more of this for a few years.. I could like that.
  3. Dana... I hope you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am sorry that you guys are going thru so much with Griffin, and I hope that he gets the help and support he needs. Please know I am here if you need a friend.
  4. This is the first time I wrote in here during the day in a while. I won't know what to do with myself tonight, hehe.

"Better Me" Monthly Exercise Times
Calculated in Minutes

Total for Today
Total For This Week
Total For February

Previously Set Goal (in Minutes) for February - 500
Minutes Needed to Meet Goal - 0
Minutes Over Goal - 688
Minutes Spent Walking/Jogging - 662
Miles Walked � 40.07

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