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Green Eggs and No Ham

Green Eggs and No Ham...

February 28, 2001

Sherry and the girls ended up coming over for dinner last night afterall. They came by themselves, and we had a nice little time. Sherry had gone to pick up the pictures from her Wedding (she and Chuck just got married in August, and I was her Matron of Honor). I was so excited to get my pictures finally. They turned out so cute. I might scan some of them tonight, if I do, maybe I will share one or two of them here. Anyway, so dinner turned out really good. I made pork steaks and red-beans with rice.. yummy. Even the kids love that.

The best part of the evening though, was that June asked if she could take her homework to do with me. Awwwww, I was so excited... and the project was really cute too. I had to help her make scrambled eggs, and then I had to help her make green scrambled eggs. She had to be blindfolded and then see if she could tell the difference between them and then write a little report. She is in first grade, what a cute project. We had fun making the eggs together, I let her do most of it herself. However, she was totally grossed out about the eggs being green and was all for blindfolding her sister to eat them instead. Nice try. She finally did it, and she for the most part could tell the difference between the two... although I couldn't figure out how, I mean it is only food coloring. When I asked her how she knew she said, the green eggs are cold and the good eggs are hot. That surprised me because we made the green eggs after the other ones.. but sure enough, I tried them, and they were cold. I don't get it, but that's what she wrote in her report.

I was surprised that she didn't like the green eggs though. Ever since she was a little thing, I would always make her special pancakes... meaning that she could pick whatever color she wanted them that day, and we just added food coloring to the batter. I guess green pancakes are less scary than green eggs, although I am not quite sure how, LOL. Still I really enjoyed being a part of this with her, and I took a few pictures so that I could make a page for my scrapbook about it. I should ask Sherry to give me her report when she gets it back, so that I can add that with the pictures... awwww... how sweet.....

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