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In My Car
08-22-2003, 11:59 p.m.

I was in such a great mood today. I just felt great and was really happy, and I like days like those. On top of all of that, I had a good clothes day.. hehe, and I even looked cute. I got to wear an outfit that I�ve been unable to wear since May, so that really felt great. I had been trying on some stuff last night, to put into the cruise pile, and I was so happy to see how many of my clothes are fitting me again. I really have been doing great with the low-carbs, and I�ve loved it, because it is just so easy to follow. I talked Jen into trying it today, and so I am even more excited about it. It is always so much fun to do it with someone else, the support really helps a lot too.

I ended up taking half the day off, so that I could go and pick up Juney and bring her back to our house. It was a good thing I took half the day, because at first I was just going to run and get her during my lunch and just take a longer lunch.. wellll, traffic was horrible both going to get her and coming back, and it took me about 4 hours total to get to get her and get home. Good thing I was in a good mood, or I would have been so frustrated. Chuck had made us a CD to listen to though (he made a CD of the Shania concert when it was on TV the other night) so we had fun listening to that. June's favorite Shania song lately has been "In my car", and it sure was fitting today, hehe.

I made us a nice dinner when I got home, and Stephen got home shortly after we did, so that was nice. After dinner, Stephen and June went to get some movies, and I took the opportunity to go to the gym, and have a great workout.

Then when I got home, I started working on the dress that I wanted to make my mom, and give to her tomorrow. I hung out with June while I worked, and we played some games and watched movies� well, I was almost done with the dress when I realized that by stopping and starting so much, that I made a huge mistake at the beginning, so I spent a long time ripping the seams out and having to redo them.. Man, I was so frustrated.. and wanted to just throw the whole thing out, but it�s such a beautiful material, and wasn�t cheap, so I stuck with it. It�s not perfect (it would have been too, damn, I was doing so good except for the one thing), but it�s still beautiful, so hopefully she will like it. Now it�s late, and Stephen and June are already asleep and I am going there myself. Tomorrow I want to get up early and go to the gym and then we are heading out to my moms to visit, help her pack, and then we are going to stop over at Corys too. I am borrowing a couple of things from her for my trip (jewelry and a purse) and I have some stuff to drop off for her too, and really, it will be nice to see her before I leave. I can�t believe that one week from today I will have to finalize my packing� and then I will be leaving in 2 days!! WOW!

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