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Dresses Here and There
08-23-2003, 11:18 p.m.

I am so sleepy (yawn). We just got home from my mom and dad�s. It�s been a long day, and I am so ready for bed but I wanted to come and do a quick entry (mostly because I will be missing 2 weeks worth of entries shortly, hehe, 1 week to go!).

I got up early and went to the gym to get my workout in. I lost another pound, bringing the total to 7 this week so far. That feels great, and I hope that I can keep it up. Today was a little harder because I was around everyone else eating junk all day, but I managed to stay strong, and didn�t cheat and now I feel very proud of myself.. very proud indeed.

June and I got out to my moms a little after 12, and June stayed there and swam with Krystal and mom and I went shopping for a couple of hours. We had so much fun, and I even found 2 really cute dresses on clearance (sun dresses) for the cruise.. they were only 6 bucks each, can�t beat that. I am all set with clothes now, and I can�t wait to be totally packed.

Speaking of dresses, my SIL called me this morning, and asked me if she could borrow a dress for a wedding they were going to tonight. I was speechless! I mean that literally, speechless!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the first time ever that one of my SILs have ever asked to borrow clothes from me, and it really felt so wonderful. Not only that but she was afraid that the dress I was sending over was going to be too small on her. I tell you, I was tickled, which might sound stupid. Michelle is beautiful, I mean really beautiful.. the kind of girl who can wake up, brush her teeth and hair and go out for the day, looking good. She is a lot taller than I am, and I would never guess that we wore the same size now, but I guess we do� woo hoo! That made me workout even harder, I have to admit.

Okay, June fell asleep in the car on the way home, and I made her get up to get in the house, and now she fell asleep on the floor fully dressed, so I am going to carry her to bed, and maybe snuggle with her a little before I go to bed myself�sweet dreams.

Oh yah, and more more dress item. My mom absolutely LOVED the dress that I made for her last night, so I am really glad now that I stayed up late to do it. Now she has begged me to make her another one before we go on the cruise... lol. I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow night now. I had wanted to make myself one too, so I guess I better get busy... not tonight though, I can barely keep my eyes open now, hehe.

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