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Goodbye Ugly Carpet

Goodbye Ugly Carpet...

March 2, 2001

Yay.... this is the last I will see of that ugly carpet... woo hoo. They are finally here, to install my new carpet, and so far they have the old stuff out and are now putting in the padding. I can't believe how much better it already looks just with the blue padding in, LOL... hmmm, I told Stephen blue carpets would look nice... but would he listen??? nnnnnnnooooooooo. That's okay though... I am sure that the color we picked is going to look awesome. I can't wait to see it. Think I could get them to hurry up a little bit? hehe.

Man, I thought this was going to be a nice relaxing day off right? Yah right!!! It's already 2:30 and all I've done is work work work. I cannot believe how much crap we have. Just cleaning everything out of our entertainment center took hours. Okay, so I was watching TV as I did it, and talking on the phone with Stephen a lot, but it still was a lot more work than I anticipated. We have sooooooooooooooo many movies, and it took forever to box them all up. And unhooking the stereo and vcr and all that fun stuff.. ugggh, and I still am going to have to put it all back together... don't think about it, don't think about it.. just imagine how nice the new carpet is going to be... is it working?

Luckily Sherry and the girls are coming to spend the night tonight. I know that Sherry will help me out and will help hook everything up again. Stephen gets so frustrated trying to do it, and we end up fighting, so I would much rather work with Sherry on this. My house looks so bad right now though, well not bad, just cluttered. We have everything everywhere and they have my couches, entertainment center and dining room table stuffed into my tiny kitchen. Wow, I never imagined that it would all fit in there, LOL... It reminds me of a clown car, you know where clown after clown comes out of this tiny car and you wonder where in the heck they all came from, because there is no way they all fit in there

Well... I better get going, I am going to have a million and a half things to do when they are finished. I just wanted to share how very excited I am about my new carpet. I can't wait until it is finished and I can say how great it looks. It's been a long time coming...

Oh and tomorrow night is couples night. Cory and Jim are coming over for dinner and to play games. I am so excited about that. I am even especially more excited cause I don't have to be embarassed anymore about having ugly carpets. LOL

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