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My Ding-A-Ling
03-02-2003, 12:22 p.m.

Picture the scene from my best friends wedding, the one where they are at the karaoke bar, and Julia Roberts tricks Cameron Diaz into singing, and she sounds so horrible, but you have to give her credit for sticking with it remember how horrible she sounded, and multiply that by a thousand... and then again by a thousand more, and you might be able to comprehend just a little bit how bad Sherry's sister Kimmy sounded last night trying to sing "My Ding a ling". Now why she picked that song to begin with, I haven't a clue, and add into that the fact that she did not know a single word of the song to begin with, and it makes for a very comical few minutes. I felt bad for her on so many levels, but then again, at least she had the guts to get up there and sing, something that I completely lacked.

I did, however, get out there and bowl. Something that I am not very good at, okay I suck.. and normally, I am very self consious of that fact and get upset over it. But not last night, no last night I went into it accepting that I suck and bowling, determined to just have fun while I sucked, and have fun I did. Of course I lost, and by a whole lot, but what do you expect from someone who can count on 2 hands how many times she has bowled probably. We did one regular game, and one game of crazy bowling, and I just had such a great time with both of them.

The whole night was wonderful actually. Stephen and I got there a little bit later than we planned on, but not so bad. The reason we were late is a whole other story in itself. I had an appointment to get my hair foiled and it took a whole long longer than I anticipated, mostly because I screwed up the night before. I thought I would save a little money and dye it myself, and then go get it foiled.. actually I do that most times.. well this time, all my old highlights turned green. Yes, I had green hair, and so it took more money and more time to get that fixed.. I was there for over 3 hours, hehe. But my hair turned out adorable though. I had her dye it a couple shades darker, and then put the highlights in, and it really looks great. I like it anyway, and that is what counts.

So we had dinner at Sherry and Chuck's and that was really yummy. Sherry made ribs, and they were great (although not as saucy as usual, but still great). I had made this new potato salad recipe, that is a better me recipe, and wow, it was really good, definitely a recipe that I will use again. The stuff that everyone else brought too was awesome (although I didn't get any of Cory's cookies because they went so quickly or of Jen's parfait because we left so quickly, bummer). It was a good dinner. Before we left we made up our list for crazy bowling, and I am glad we did, because that was just sooooo much fun. I was laughing so hard, some of the highlights was watching the guys skip (especially Don who more like galloped) and Jen's face when Don was bowling between her legs. It was so much fun, and I hope we get a chance to go again sometime.

Karaoke was fun too. It's fun to watch Chuck, because he is really so into it, and both Jen and Don sung too, and they both did a great job! I was totally impressed with Don, I knew Jen could sing great, but I didn't realize that he did too. It was fun. The only part I didn't like was how the smokey room was giving me a headache and watching the tv monitor was hurting my neck.. because you had to look sideways.. wish it was more straight on.

Stephen and I got home a little after 1, and I was going to come write an entry, but as soon as I sat at the computer I started falling asleep, so I decided to forget it and go to bed. We slept in this morning and when Stephen got up to go to basketball, I asked him to stay in bed with me, and he did, hehe. So we had a nice morning. We are going to be leaving in a while for Timmy and James' birthday party, so that should be a good time. I think it's early to bed for me tonight though, it's been a long weekend, hehe.

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