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Need More Pictures
03-03-2004, 8:21 p.m.

It has been so much fun lately, listening to Cory tell us little Andy stories. They are such cute stories too, and I find that they often remind me of things that I had totally forgotten. Things from when Chrissy and June were babies. It�s such a sweet thing, and I have so much fun thinking about them, but mostly it�s wonderful to watch Cory blossoming and turning into such a wonderful mommy. I am so happy for her, and that happiness grows each and every day.

I am determined to go to bed early tonight. No more of this staying up all night�. In fact, I just took some Tylenol PM (I had a headache too, so it helped in both ways). I was laying down watching TV, and I started to fall asleep, and did doze off, but Stephen accidentally woke me up and I am so glad that he did. I have been so tired the past few days, and 5:30 comes so early. I so didn�t want to go this morning, because it�s that time of the month and I was cramping.. but I knew that I really wanted to take Friday off so I made myself do it and I really felt good afterwards. Honestly though, as I laid there I really felt guilty� and that was another good feeling, because it�s been so long since I�ve felt guilty about not going to the gym. With each and every step I feel like I am going to make it.

I have found that I haven�t been taking very many pictures lately. I don�t know why, but that is something I am going to have to work on. For one, it is not like me at all, and secondly I am running out of pictures for the pic of the day, hehe. Can�t have that now, can we. I have some fun plans for the weekend... Saturday with Jen (Friendship Saturday and pedicures) and Sunday with Cory and Jim (Soprano's premiere and dinner) so I am going to try to take lots of pictures then, especially of Andy.

Speaking of pictures, I scrapbooked for a little while tonight. I am really starting to get back into that too... however now my stitching is taking back seat.. I guess that I just cannot do a million things at once.. how to pick.. how to pick.

It�s been such a busy week at work, but I am off on Friday and I am so looking forward to having a day off. Our next quarter begins on Monday so it starts all over again. I can�t wait for summer quarter, hehe... no classes, yay.

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