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Birthday Party Central

Birthday Party Central...

March 4, 2001

Today is our newphew Timothy's 6th birthday. Happy Birthday Timmy. Last week was his little brother James' 2nd birthday, and today was their birthday party. It seems like January to March are one big party on Stephen's side of the family, since out of 11 grandkids, 8 of them are born in those 3 months. Today's party was nice though. Everyone was in great moods, and the kids were all being kids... hehe, but you gotta love that. We had a great time. The gift that we got for Jimmy was a hit too, all the little kids were playing with it quicker than I could get it put together. It was this talking car type of thing... an elevator and ramps and cars and all that stuff, but with cool buttons to push and lots of noise. Our newphew Matthew who also turns two in a few days really loved it, so guess what he is getting for his birthday??

After the party, we drove Stephen's parents home (they only live a few blocks from Stephen's brother, which is where the party was held but it was cold, and we didn't want them to walk), and we stayed and talked to them for a few minutes, but then Stephen wanted to get home to get a few things done before the Soprano's start.

Yup, tonight is the season premiere of the Sopranos, and Stephen is soooo excited. Right now he is watching the last episode from last season to get ready, LOL... he is so cute with it. I think that I am going to go ahead and watch it with him tonight since he really seems to want me too, and who knows, maybe I will start getting into it as well. Seems to be the trend around here...

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